Many female entrepreneurs

Concentrated female power for Vienna’s economy

03.07.2024 11:00

Half of the entrepreneurs in the first district are women. We have portraits of two strong women.

Women entrepreneurs are playing an increasingly important role in Vienna's economy. There are around 45,000 individual female entrepreneurs in the city. Just under 1000 are active in the city center, which corresponds to around half of all companies. The majority are in the retail sector. One of the strong women is 75-year-old Sissy Marczell, who left her long career as a surgeon behind to pursue her long-standing passion. At the age of 50, she trained as a model and opened her own fashion boutique in the first district and today not only offers stylish clothing, but also works as a style and color consultant.

In contrast to this is 28-year-old Susanne Jehl, who only founded her multimedia agency in October last year. The young entrepreneur is primarily active on social media. "This diversity shows how profound and comprehensive the influence of women on the local economy is. Vienna's economy is thriving thanks to the dedication and entrepreneurship of its women, and the city recognizes the immeasurable value of these contributions," says the regional chairwoman of Frau in der Wirtschaft Wien.F

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