Plant is as strong as a bear

Bluebell tree punching its way out of the sidewalk asphalt

02.07.2024 17:15

A tree growing out of a gap between old brickwork and the sidewalk on Feldkirchner Straße in Klagenfurt proves just how amazingly strong plants can be. Now the little trunk has already reached the height of a man. And if it is not stopped, there is much more to come...

The bluebell tree (botanically Paulownia tomentosa), also known as the emperor tree, originally comes from central and western China. The fast-growing plant came to Europe as an ornamental. It is extremely frugal and produces bell-shaped flowers in spring.

The tree can reach a height of 15, sometimes even 25 meters, with a trunk measuring 60 centimeters in diameter and even more.

The specimen in Feldkirchner Straße is still small, but can reach up to 25 meters! (Bild: Evelyn Hronek/EVELYN HRONEK)
The specimen in Feldkirchner Straße is still small, but can reach up to 25 meters!

Defying the sealing of land
The specimen in Feldkirchner Straße, not far from the district court, on the wall of an old building dating back to the imperial era, is therefore still very much a "youngster" and if it doesn't fall victim to "pruning", it can still shoot up into the sky.

In any case, the tree shows the incredible will to live and the associated strength of plants. Otherwise we know this - less spectacularly, of course - from grasses and small flowers that settle in cracks in asphalt or concrete, create their own biotope there with a few crumbs of earth and thus defy the sealing of surfaces. Remarkable.

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