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Russia wants its own space station in space from 2027

02.07.2024 14:53

Russia wants to start building its own space station in 2027. The Russian space agency Roskosmos announced on Tuesday that the first module of the facility will be launched into space in that year. The core of the station should be ready by 2030. This consists of four units; a module for research and energy supply, as well as an airlock module, a base module and a universal connection module.

The expansion of the so-called Russian Orbital Station (Ros) is planned from 2031 to 2033 with the connection of two further construction units. Roskosmos boss Yuri Borisov justified the schedule he had approved with the allegedly poor condition of the International Space Station (ISS). "You all know very well yourself what condition the ISS is in. And the most important thing: we must not allow any pause in our manned space flight," he said when signing off the schedule.

The ISS space station (Bild: NASA)
The ISS space station

Moscow wants to stay on board the ISS until 2028
Originally, the ISS, which is now more than 25 years old, was to be scuttled. However, the operating times have been extended several times. The ISS is currently scheduled to remain in orbit until at least 2028. In the past, the US space agency NASA and the European Space Agency ESA have also expressed their interest in continuing to operate the ISS beyond this date. However, following the start of its war of aggression against Ukraine, Russia announced its withdrawal from the joint project "after 2024" due to tensions with the West. Last year, Moscow then announced that Russia would remain on board until 2028.

Use of artificial intelligence
According to Borissov, Russia's own space program is not limited to the construction of the Ros, but also provides for the creation of the associated infrastructure with the Vostochny spaceport, new launch vehicles and space capsules. Contracts for the construction and testing of the rockets have now been signed, according to Roskosmos. Russia plans to invest the equivalent of a good six billion euros in the construction of the station. Artificial intelligence will also be used, announced the chief designer of Ros, Vladimir Kozhevnikov.

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