"Never FlyLili again"

Horror trip to Bulgaria ends in Eastern Bloc hell

02.07.2024 15:45

After the horror trip with a Romanian low-cost airline to the sunny beach, the airline boss personally defends himself against the harsh criticism in an interview with the "Krone" newspaper. However, disappointed customers from Austria and Germany are sticking to their opinion: "Never again with FlyLili" ...

As reported, around 200 Austrians were stranded in Bulgaria at the weekend. After a supposed dream vacation on the sunny beach, the rude awakening came at the latest at Burgas airport. The tourists had to wait more than 48 hours for a return flight with the Romanian low-cost airline FlyLili.

While some of those affected were at least "temporarily parked" in decent hotels, Alexandra M. (40) from Vienna and her travel group experienced real "Eastern Bloc charm".

A horror for any tourist: "After hours of waiting and repeated enquiries to the tour operator, we were dumped in shabby apartments. The food was a disaster and everyone was only given half a liter of water with their meal. A horror for families with small children," M. told the "Krone".

A long wait was on the agenda for stranded tourists from Austria and Germany in Bulgaria at the weekend. (Bild: zVg)
A long wait was on the agenda for stranded tourists from Austria and Germany in Bulgaria at the weekend.
In the meantime, the Bulgarian dream vacation ended for dozens of Austrians in this last-class accommodation. (Bild: zVg)
In the meantime, the Bulgarian dream vacation ended for dozens of Austrians in this last-class accommodation.
Meagre food was on the menu and only half a liter of drinking water was served with every meal. (Bild: zVg)
Meagre food was on the menu and only half a liter of drinking water was served with every meal.
However, the tap water on site was undrinkable. (Bild: zVg)
However, the tap water on site was undrinkable.

Apologies will not be enough
On Monday, however, those affected were finally relieved and there was a return flight to Vienna after all. Airline boss Jürgen Faff is now officially apologizing: "The reason for the delays was a technical defect and delays in the supply chain for the required spare part. We very much regret the partially dampened vacation enjoyment."

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Despite intensive efforts, replacement aircraft were unfortunately not available. We would like to formally apologize for this delay.

(Bild: FlyLili)

Jürgen Faff, CEO von FlyLili, im „Krone“-Gespräch. 

Incidentally, the Airbus A-320 aircraft affected by the breakdown has been back in service as planned since Monday, but for those affected, the case is a downright farce and the apology a lame excuse. For M. it is clear: "Never again with FlyLili, although I really liked Sunny Beach".

Claims for damages are hefty
For those affected, it is clear that they will not let the airline and tour operator get away with it. Hefty claims for damages are already being prepared. It will be particularly tricky for the airline.

Georg Loderbauer, an expert from the agency for passenger and traveler rights, explains: "First of all, you should contact the airline directly and document the corresponding claim. If there are any problems with this, you are welcome to contact us."

Further information at: passagier.at

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read the original article here.

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