AMS budget cut

“Where is the outcry from business?”

02.07.2024 15:20

AK President Bernhard Heinzle criticizes budget cuts at the AMS and fears a setback in the search for skilled workers.

"Especially in times of increased demand for labor and skilled workers, cutting back on adult education is the wrong thing to do," says Bernhard Heinzle angrily. The reason for the anger is the federal government's announcement to cut the AMS budget by 100 million for the coming year. This could particularly affect adult education projects, projects for the advancement of women and reintegration measures, for example in the social sector.

Cuts hit sensible projects
For the AK President, this is also an impossibility in terms of economic policy: "There is a shortage of skilled workers everywhere and at the same time the government wants to cut the funds that are urgently needed for qualification measures in the adult sector and therefore for the creation of skilled workers. The cuts are affecting projects that make a lot of sense when it comes to the qualification of the country's workforce," summarizes AK President Bernhard Heinzle.

He therefore wonders where the outcry from the business community is. The plans are particularly bad news for women and the long-term unemployed. "It is precisely these people who need the qualification projects in order to gain a foothold in the world of work for the first time or again and thus create an independent livelihood," explains Heinzle.

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