Policewoman injured

Scuffled like a fury at a young farmer’s festival

03.07.2024 07:00

A calm and level-headed young woman, one might have assumed in the courtroom. But an excess of wine turned a Tyrolean woman (26) into a raging fury at a young farmers' festival. Now there was the receipt.

This emotional and violent outburst would not have been expected of the petite woman wearing glasses: At a young farmers' festival near Innsbruck in March, the accused (26) interfered when her brother was to be expelled from the tent.

In the ensuing commotion, the woman punched a man, threw another man to the ground several times and scratched him with her fingernails.

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The wine made my head explode all of a sudden.

Die Angeklagte beim Prozess

Policewoman pulled to the ground by her hair
An alarmed policewoman chased the fury through the marquee. "Then she pulled me to the ground by my hair. The result was a bump on my head," the policewoman described as a witness. The defendant (1.6 per mille at the time) swore: "I'm not like that, it was the wine."

Got away without a conviction once before
Diversion was ruled out because the court had already granted the waitress one after a stalking offense. It therefore imposed a partial fine of 1,400 euros and awarded the policewoman 250 euros in damages. The judgment is final.

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