Help for orphans

Two girls are now completely without their “mom”

03.07.2024 09:00

Two half-sisters are struggling with a heavy blow of fate. Their mother was suddenly torn from their lives. Now the siblings have to get by on their own. Volkshilfe wants to help them financially.

They are only 15 and 19, but the two half-sisters from Pinkafeld have a heavy burden to bear. Their mother is suddenly no longer there. No friendly smile in the morning, no caring questions. The 42-year-old woman fell into a coma after suffering a brain haemorrhage. Almost two weeks ago, the siblings had to say goodbye to their "mom". Forever!

Sisters must keep the house
The painful loss has hit the two daughters particularly hard. The eldest has already lost her father. Only the 15-year-old's "dad" can still look after things. Otherwise, the sisters are on their own. Now they have to maintain the house themselves.

Account frozen
Shaken by fate, the two face an uncertain future. They are left without money. After the tragic death, their mother's bank account is frozen. Friends of the deceased quickly stepped in and gave the children just over €1000 so that they could at least buy the essentials.

How you can help

Donate: Volkshilfe Burgenland

Keyword "Mama"
IBAN: AT04 5100 0910 1310 0610

Volkshilfe gets involved
On the initiative of city councillor Sigrid Tallian from the municipality's social committee, Volkshilfe is now supporting the siblings. The younger one wants to go to the Ortwein School in Graz and attend boarding school there. The 19-year-old, who has just graduated from high school and is now an orphan, wants to study.

Request for help
"They are both so strong, we want to give them a little financial support," says President Verena Dunst, asking the "Krone" family for support.

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read the original article here.

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