New project in Upper Austria

German lessons for parents as well as children

02.07.2024 16:05

The Upper Austrian Department of Social Affairs and the adult education centers are now launching a new project to create better conditions for successful integration: Parents sit next to their children in German classes.

The language and German support package presented on Tuesday is being funded by the state of Upper Austria with 800,000 euros. Integration State Councillor Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (ÖVP) wants to work together with the adult education center to expand and further develop the content of German courses, creating the basis for successful integration.

12,300 course places are planned
The courses aim to involve both children and their parents in educational work and thus promote social participation in the long term. The number of German courses in Upper Austria has doubled in the last three years. 12,300 course places are planned for 2024. New formats will be aimed at different target groups and take needs into account.

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Excellent German language skills are the basic prerequisite for being able to build something for yourself later on. Just in time for the start of the vacations, we are offering a language and German support package together with the VHS, including summer language camps for compulsory school children, thus taking a further step in our German learning strategy.

Integrations-Landesrat Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (ÖVP) (Bild: Land OÖ/Lisa Schaffner)

Landesrat Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer, ÖVP

The Department of Integration is working closely with the Upper Austrian Adult Education Center and the Institute of Intercultural Pedagogy. The background to these measures is to ensure that children and parents learn German at an early age and therefore have better opportunities in education and on the job market. Hattmannsdorfer says: "This is a basic prerequisite for being able to build something later on."

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read the original article here.

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