"Lack of maturity"

Scandal at a celebration: principal doesn’t hand out report cards

02.07.2024 16:38

Some pupils at a grammar school in Bavaria were probably not really happy with their head teacher. The situation finally escalated at the graduation ceremony ...

According to a report in the "Münchner Merkur" newspaper, a scandal broke out last Friday during the planned presentation of school-leaving certificates at a grammar school in Dorfen, Upper Bavaria.

According to the report, the principal refused to hand out the school-leavers' certificates and left the ceremony.

Principal: "Lack of maturity on the part of the students"
According to the "Merkur" newspaper, some graduates had previously accused teachers of having an authoritarian style and criticized the principal in particular. He then announced that he would not be handing out the certificates and, according to the newspaper, justified this with the students' lack of maturity. He referred to what he considered to be inappropriate phrases in the Abi newspaper and the Abi prank.

Classrooms covered in shaving foam
According to the report, A-level students had covered classrooms and corridors with shaving foam. Allegedly, there was a decapitated papier-mâché doll - dressed in clothes similar to those worn by the principal. "For me, the red line was definitely crossed when the school leavers were addressed. I can't accept the behavior of many students, it was very personal," he later told the "Merkur" newspaper.

According to the report, the sixth form coordinators finally had to step in and hand out the certificates.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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