Salzburg still an issue

Hot poker for EURO starter Daniliuc

02.07.2024 21:15

Austrian EURO participant Flavius Daniliuc is no longer officially part of the squad of Bundesliga runners-up Red Bull Salzburg. However, the "Daniliuc file" is not closed at the Salzach; in fact, the battle for his services is only just picking up speed.

Flavius Daniliuc caused a stir when he was nominated for the EURO squad. Team boss Ralf Rangnick has high hopes for the 23-year-old, who moved to Salzburg on loan from Salernitana in the winter and played twelve games for the runners-up. Since the beginning of the month, he has no longer been listed as a player by the club. Many interpreted this to mean that he would not be returning to the Salzach.

Thinks a lot of Daniliuc: sports director Bernhard Seonbuchner. (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
Thinks a lot of Daniliuc: sports director Bernhard Seonbuchner.

But that's not all, because there is a hot poker game going on in the background for the multilingual defensive specialist. As the "Krone" has learned from Bulls circles as well as from the player's entourage, a permanent transfer to the city of Mozart is still on the table. As is so often the case, the catch is the transfer fee. Salernitana are hoping for a chunk of money that Salzburg are currently not prepared to pay.

Originally, the Bulls could have exercised a purchase option. However, this was too high for them, especially as Daniliuc can move for less after the Italians' relegation due to an exit clause - a sum of five million euros is rumored. Salzburg's problem: Salernitana are hoping for a competitive bid for the ÖFB ace. The poker could work, with interest from Scotland, Italy and Turkey.

Long breath is required
Daniliuc has repeatedly emphasized that he feels comfortable in Salzburg and can imagine staying. The Bulls, on the other hand, would benefit from someone like him. On the one hand, because they only have a few Austrian team players in their squad. On the other hand, because he is athletically versatile and it is more than uncertain whether Pavlovic, Solet and Dedic will stay. However, before the bosses make any further purchases, personnel must be released. Which is why staying power will be required in the poker game for Daniliuc.

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