Efficient & sustainable

Heat pumps as the engine of the green energy transition

02.07.2024 16:55

Free from Russian gas and on the way to a sustainable future! Heat pumps are at the heart of the energy transition and indispensable for environmentally friendly energy solutions. As silent revolutionaries of the energy transition, they excel in efficiency and sustainability.

A visionary and innovative environmental credo from the very beginning: Krone Sonne, in close cooperation with "Bessere Energie", is also taking the first steps towards energy independence in the field of heating solutions.

Paving the way for a sustainable future
The progressive and innovative technology is based on the foundation of our existence and is also easy on your wallet. Environmental energy sources such as air, water or inexhaustible geothermal energy are transformed into cozy warmth for your home and ensure safety and reliability for heating and hot water.

But their importance extends far beyond this basic function! A major advantage of heat pumps is not only the use of renewable energy sources - they reduce the need for fossil fuels and thus reduce dependency towards energy self-sufficiency.

Energy independence in the heating sector with the all-round carefree package from "Krone Sonne". (Bild: Cigdem Simsek / dpa Picture Alliance / picturedesk.com)
Energy independence in the heating sector with the all-round carefree package from "Krone Sonne".

Integration and the best increase in efficiency
The result? A more sustainable energy supply and a lower environmental impact for your home. The integration of heat pumps into the Krone Sonne range opens up new possibilities for the energy transition. When operated electrically, they can significantly reduce CO2 emissions - using three times less energy for freedom and independence.

A milestone in innovative energy supply. Even with a mixed electricity mix, heat pumps are generally more efficient than conventional heating systems, resulting in a lower overall environmental impact.

But that's not all: the combination of heat pumps with other renewable energy sources and storage systems enables the flexible use and storage of energy. This is crucial for balancing out fluctuations in the availability of renewable resources and ensuring a sustainable, reliable energy supply.

Your advantages

  • Top subsidies: Up to 75 percent funding possible - there's never been more!
  • Highly qualified heat pump partners
  • Everything from a single source: planning, subsidy service & 365-day all-round service
  • Attractive financing models with Unicredit Bank Austria AG
  • Get out of oil & gas: make your heating independent!
  • Reduce heating costs: Between 500 and 1500 euros a year

Financial incentives and subsidies
Commitment to greater environmental awareness must also be worthwhile. "Krone Sonne" knows that financial incentives also play an important role in the energy transition. With subsidies of up to 75 percent, there are currently unprecedented opportunities to invest in heat pumps.

"Krone Sonne" and "Bessere Energie" offer customers an all-round carefree package: advice, planning, installation and service 365 days a year. The installation area currently covers the eastern region and is constantly expanding.

Attractive financing options from Unicredit Bank Austria AG make the purchase or monthly financing of a heat pump possible at affordable conditions. Heat pumps are seen as a silent revolutionary in reducing energy consumption, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

At the heart of a sustainable energy future, they enable everyone to save hundreds of euros a year on heating costs. Because the sun does the rest.

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