Investment worth billions

Austrian Armed Forces: 4 fists for a hallelujah in the air

02.07.2024 18:00

The future effectiveness of the air force is being decided at the negotiating table these days. Four major projects are at stake - worth almost 8 billion euros.

During the vacations, people spend a bit of money: Within just a few days, the Ministry of Defense under Klaudia Tanner lined up four major investments. All of them take place in the air.

Jet trainer, Black Hawk, C-390 and missile defense: Tanner's major projects manifest themselves (Bild: Krone KREATIV, Lockheed, Georg Mader, Leonardo, APA, AP)
Jet trainer, Black Hawk, C-390 and missile defense: Tanner's major projects manifest themselves
  • Last Sunday, twelve new UH-60 Black Hawk transport helicopters were ordered in the USA. These are the 3500 hp M variant, which can transport more than three tons of material or eleven soldiers with equipment to the mission in a reasonably protected manner. Volume: 715 million euros.
A UH-60M in the Medevac version during test flights in the USA. (Bild: Lockheed)
A UH-60M in the Medevac version during test flights in the USA.
  • In mid-July, the purchase of four C-390M transport aircraft is signed together with the Dutch at the Farnborough Airshow in the UK. They are to replace the heavily outdated and error-prone C-130K "Hercules" from mid-2028. Volume: 1 billion euros.
Jet engines instead of propellers: Embraer C-390 "Millenium" approaching Austria (Bild: Embraer)
Jet engines instead of propellers: Embraer C-390 "Millenium" approaching Austria
  • Yesterday, Tuesday, the ÖVP and the Greens negotiated whether the monumental sum of more than 4.4 billion euros should be reserved from the 2027 budget by means of a pre-encumbrance law. This is for a brand new long-range air defense system (range: more than 50 km), which has never been seen before in the history of the Austrian Armed Forces. Exactly which system it will be is still unclear. The choice is likely to be between the US product "Patriot" and the Israeli "Arrow 3".
"Patriot" air defense missile as one of two possible systems (Bild: US Army)
"Patriot" air defense missile as one of two possible systems
  • And then there are the long-awaited jet trainers that are taking off from Linz-Hörsching. They are intended to replace the Saab 105OE, which was retired in 2020, and protect the airspace and support ground troops in addition to the Eurofighter. The procurement should initially have been finalized in the first quarter of 2024, but then dragged on into the summer because the General Staff still had to deliver documents, according to information from Krone. The decision is now expected to be made in the coming weeks, with the Italian M-346FA being the favorite. Volume: 1.6 billion euros including retrofitting the existing Eurofighter.
Leonardo's M-346FA with radar for air surveillance, but also ground support. (Bild: Leonardo)
Leonardo's M-346FA with radar for air surveillance, but also ground support.

This makes a total of almost eight billion euros for airspace defense and air mobility alone. That is almost three times the amount that the Republic spent on the entire armed forces before the war in Ukraine.

"The next milestone for our Armed Forces will soon be reached," said Minister Tanner. "I am delighted that we will be able to make such a big leap forward with the follow-up and new procurements!"

It is certainly no longer a summer like the one before the war in Ukraine.

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