Visit to Kiev

Ukraine: Orban proposes ceasefire to Zelenskyi

02.07.2024 17:42

These two are unlikely to become best friends, but at least Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has paid his first visit to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Orban called for a swift ceasefire with Russia.

Such a step could "accelerate" peace negotiations with Moscow, Orban said on Tuesday during his first visit to the Ukrainian capital Kiev since the war began more than two years ago. Selensky countered the Hungarian head of government by saying that his country needed a "just peace".

"Take into consideration"
At a joint press conference with the Ukrainian president, Orban said that he had asked Zelensky to "quickly consider the possibility of a ceasefire". Such a ceasefire would be "limited in time and would make it possible to speed up the peace negotiations".

Orban's visit to Zelensky had been in preparation for months. (Bild: AFP)
Orban's visit to Zelensky had been in preparation for months.
Orban's visit to Zelensky had been in preparation for months. (Bild: AFP)
Orban's visit to Zelensky had been in preparation for months.

Orban continues to maintain close relations with Moscow despite the Russian war of aggression that has been going on for more than two years. The Hungarian head of government has repeatedly delayed sanctions against Russia and financial aid from the EU for Kiev. He also criticized the opening of EU accession negotiations with Ukraine. In October 2023, Orban took part in a summit in Beijing together with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin. It was the first meeting between an EU head of state or government and Putin since the start of the war.

Not a solidarity visit
According to information from Ukrainian government circles, Orban's visit to Zelenskyi had been in preparation for months. Other EU heads of state and government as well as representatives of other Western allies of Ukraine, however, regularly travel to Kiev for solidarity visits. Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the EU Council on Monday. Orban said that he would report to the EU heads of state and government on his talks with Zelenskyi so that the EU could take the "necessary decisions".

(Bild: AFP)

Zelenskyi said on Tuesday that Orban's visit to Kiev demonstrated the "common European priorities" of "bringing a just peace to Ukraine and the whole of Europe". At the same time, the Ukrainian head of state called on the EU to maintain its aid for his country. It is "very important for all of us in Europe that Europe's support for Ukraine remains at a sufficient level, also with regard to our defense against Russian terror," said Selenskyj.

Relations have been tense since the start of the war
The relationship between Orban and Selenskyj has been extremely tense since the start of the war. In a speech after his re-election in April 2022, Orban counted Zelensky among his "opponents". Selenskyj, in turn, had repeatedly sharply criticized the Hungarian head of government for his lack of support for Ukraine.

In December, Orban and Selenskyj met briefly at the inauguration of Argentinian President Javier Milei and, according to Selenskyj, had a "frank" conversation. Videos circulating on the internet showed the heated exchange of words, in which Orban stood with his back to the wall. There were similar images after another brief encounter at the EU summit in Brussels last week.

Orban is considered a friend of Putin
In the past, Orban has delayed aid for Ukraine, which is under attack from Russia, and has repeatedly tried to prevent sanctions against Moscow. Hungary is still heavily dependent on Russian gas supplies, some of which flow through Ukraine despite the war. However, Kiev does not want to extend the contract, which expires at the end of the year.

Another point of contention is the rights of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine, whose patron saint Orban has presented himself as for years. At a soccer match, the 61-year-old also provoked people by wearing a scarf with the outline of Great Hungary from 1920. At that time, Transcarpathia, which is now part of Ukraine, belonged to Hungary.

The last time Orban was in Ukraine was in 2015, when Viktor Yanukovych, who later fled to Russia, was still in office as president.

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