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02.07.2024 20:39

Just one hour before kick-off of the round of 16 match between our ÖFB footballers, the City of Vienna has to close the fan zone on Rathausplatz. "We are bursting at the seams, no further admission", it said in a statement. Later, access to the public viewing area at the main railway station also had to be closed. There was a police operation in Favoriten.

14,500 fans had already gathered in front of Vienna City Hall on Tuesday evening to watch the historic round of 16 match between Austria and Turkey on the grounds where the film festival is currently taking place.

"Please don't drive off again"
But those who didn't set off until around 8 pm were too late. "The entrances are closed, please do not leave. Thank you for your great interest and understanding," the City of Vienna announced on its social media channels.

No more admission at the main station
Around an hour later, ÖBB also advised people not to come to the station forecourt. "The square is now full", said an ÖBB spokeswoman on request at around 8.50 pm.

The public viewing at the station had now reached the limit of 500 visitors, she said. Security staff were required to control access to the public broadcast of the European Championship round of 16 match. However, the atmosphere was "very good", as the Federal Railways reported. A state of emergency also prevailed on the Danube Canal, as social media images show.

First police operation in Favoriten
The situation at Reumannplatz in Vienna-Favoriten remained unchanged for a long time. Residents told APA that the situation was "calm and relaxed". The Turkish Cultural Community (TKG) had already called on Turks living in Austria to show "moderation and empathy" in the run-up to the soccer match.

"Austria is our second or new home, and therefore there must be no riots, no unacceptable behavior, no actions and words on the streets, no excessive honking on the streets after the game tonight," said chairman Birol Kilic in a statement this morning.

Nevertheless, there was a police operation shortly after 10 p.m., with eyewitnesses reporting at least one injured person and one arrest. At around 10.30 p.m., the provincial police directorate only reported "minor disputes between fans". Overall, however, the situation in Vienna was reported to be "calm".

Police prepared
The police had already prepared for the match in advance and stepped up security measures for the public viewing. "The Vienna police will do everything possible to prevent criminal acts at best," emphasized police spokesman Mattias Schuster on Tuesday.

In addition, police officers have been deployed outside the respective locations in order to be able to react quickly to any football-related celebrations or due to the gathering of fan groups.

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