Country in soccer fever

Despite missing out on the European Championship: “Austria is proud of you”

03.07.2024 00:09

The European Championship dream may be over for the ÖFB squad, but the euphoria in the country remains. Ralf Rangnick's "lads" also received plenty of praise from Austrian politicians.

Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP), who watched the game with Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) in Leipzig, wrote on X: "Gave everything, fought impressively, unfortunately our team lacked luck today. [...] Thank you for the great performance in this tournament! Austria is proud of you!"

Kogler also praised the work of the team captain in particular: "The soccer nation is proud of you. Because you left everything on the pitch and had nothing to reproach yourselves for. Now it's time to mourn. But then we must continue to develop the foundations that have been so skillfully built over the last two years."

SPÖ boss Andreas Babler posted: "Strong game and we fought really well! Even if it wasn't enough today, we can be mighty proud of what our great ÖFB team has achieved in recent weeks."

NEOS leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger captured the mood in Vienna: "I go home from watching the match in the Prater, everywhere: "We were better!" "Next World Cup!" What a great game!"

Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Governor of Lower Austria, watched the game at the public viewing in Melk: "Unfortunately, our summer fairytale ended in the round of 16. Over the last few weeks, the team has managed to ignite a matchless soccer euphoria throughout the country. Congratulations to the team manager and the entire ÖFB team." Her deputy Udo Landbauer (FPÖ) thanked the ÖFB team "for a great tournament".

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