Witness raised the alarm

Crook duo disturbed during burglary in Tyrolean church

03.07.2024 09:20

Two burglars were up to mischief on Tuesday evening in Telfs, Tyrol (Innsbruck-Land district): An unknown witness raised the alarm via an emergency call and stated that two young men were trying to break into the locked church via a window. In the end, the duo fled - one of the suspects was caught by the police.

The emergency call was received by the police shortly before 8.30 pm. The caller had apparently seen two men in dark clothing trying to break into the locked church through a window.

Duo fled into the forest
"After speaking to the caller again, she stated that the suspects had fled in the direction of a forest as they felt disturbed while carrying out the crime," said the investigators.

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In the course of an immediately initiated manhunt, a 17-year-old Austrian suspect was arrested after around 30 minutes by a dog patrol.

Die Ermittler

The police then immediately launched a manhunt. After about half an hour, a 17-year-old suspect - an Austrian - was arrested by a dog patrol.

Suspected accomplice known by name
The search for the second suspected perpetrator was unsuccessful. The arrested 17-year-old suspect was released after questioning. "The second suspect is now known to the police by name, but could not yet be questioned about the facts of the case," the investigators continued.

Caller should report to the police
Incidentally, it is unclear who made the emergency call. The unknown woman raised the alarm using a passer-by's cell phone. The caller should contact the police in Telfs (telephone number: 059133/7126).

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read the original article here.

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