Mamma mia, Heidi!

Klum flashes her breasts and panties in Venice

03.07.2024 09:55

Mamma mia! On her first stop during her trip on the Orient Express in Venice, Heidi Klum not only flashed her breasts, but also her panties.

Heidi Klum and her Tom Kaulitz have finally embarked on a trip on the legendary Orient Express - the model beauty received the luxury trip as a 50th birthday present from brother-in-law Bill Kaulitz last year.

Mamma mia, Heidi!
Of course, the "Germany's Next Topmodel" head judge also keeps her fans up to date with her extravagant vacation on Instagram. And there's plenty to see - especially in a clip that Heidi recorded in Venice, the first stop on her journey on the Orient Express.

But Klum's fans probably don't see much of the Grand Canal and the gondolas drifting along it. The top model herself made sure of that. For her trip to the Serenissima, Heidi had chosen a dress that would probably make some people blush.

The black dress wasn't just cut so short that Klum's leopard-print panties flashed out. Thanks to a wrap-around décolleté, the fans also got to see quite a lot of "Hans" and "Franz", i.e. Heidi's breasts.

Luxury trip started in Paris
Heidi Klum has not yet revealed where the journey on the Orient Express will take her after the stopover in Venice. But she has already shared plenty of impressions with her fans from the luxury train, where glamorous clothing is a must. For the first dinner, the 51-year-old dressed up accordingly in a green backless glitter dress.

And of course the nights are also particularly comfortable. Bill revealed in advance in his podcast that he had made sure of that. "There are only two of these suites and I've booked them."

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