Rescue was stuck
Erdogan celebrated with wolf salute and “Allahu Akbar”
29.5.2023: In Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan declares himself the winner of the election, and in Vienna-Favoriten the crowds cheer - which causes confusion and fear among the population. It was only with luck that no tragedy occurred: a rescue car got stuck in the crowds.
Kurt Tichy from the well-known ice cream parlor of the same name describes the scene at Reumannplatz in Favoriten as a "huge black wall of people". Thousands of young Turks celebrated the victory of ruler Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Reumannplatz on Sunday evening.
Tichy: "It was difficult to assess the situation. It was a heated atmosphere. We locked all the doors because fireworks were also being used." Another businessman told the "Krone" newspaper: "I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if Erdogan hadn't won."
We locked all the doors because fireworks were also being used.

Eissalonbesitzer Kurt Tichy
Bild: Jöchl Martin
Rescue car got stuck
The scene is definitely strange. In Turkey, the Turkish president is handing out banknotes and declaring himself the winner of the election, while some 1600 kilometers away, the Viennese Turks are celebrating him loudly. They are lucky that their blockade did not result in a tragedy: an ambulance that had been called to an injured child nearby was trapped in the crowds for several minutes. "We then made our way through, but it would have been nice if they had let us through straight away," the Vienna Professional Rescue Service confirmed the incident to the Krone newspaper. The child was able to receive emergency medical treatment in time.
"Have turned Favoriten into a caliphate"
The reactions from local politicians were not very positive: Vienna's integration city councillor Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS): "It is worrying that a large number of almost 74 percent of Turks living in Austria support Erdogan. Such support for an autocrat is in clear contradiction to the basic principles of a free democratic society as we live in Austria. Crimes must be punished."
We are witnessing a further intensification. Parallel societies are increasingly isolating themselves from Austrian society.

Karl Mahrer, ÖVP-Landesparteiobmann
Vienna's FPÖ leader Dominik Nepp says: "The celebrations with Muslim brothers, wolf salutes and shouts of 'Allahu Akbar' in the middle of Vienna show that this part of Vienna has long since been abandoned and left to radical migrant groups. The Vienna SPÖ and Mayor Ludwig have turned Favoriten into a caliphate."
No comment from the district leader
We also wanted to talk to Favoriten's district leader Marcus Franz (SPÖ) about this. However, just like almost two weeks ago, when we wanted to talk to him about the current challenges of integration, there was no statement from the district this time either.
I think I'm a tolerant person - but have they all gone mad? If they're so happy with Erdoğan, why don't they go back to Turkey?

Roswitha S.
Bild: Zwefo
Clear tenor in street survey
A "Krone" street survey revealed a clear picture: almost everyone is prepared to turn a blind eye to boisterous and loud celebrations in their neighborhood - but none of those surveyed on Reumannplatz agreed with the reason for this: Rallies for political issues that have nothing to do with Austria have no place here either, according to the general tenor.
Unfortunately, people no longer understand anything about democracy, no matter where they come from. But the fact that something like these celebrations are happening is also a consequence of the fact that these people are not allowed to vote here.

René K.
Bild: Zwefo
Cheering for Erdoğan also seems simply illogical to many of the interviewees: After all, it was also the living conditions in Turkey that had brought many of those who celebrated Erdogan to Vienna from Turkey.
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