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Explosive! Stadium climber not the first incident

03.07.2024 12:44

After the incident involving a climber under the roof of Dortmund's European Championship stadium, it is now known: Four days earlier, an unauthorized person had already made it into the roof structure during the Austria Group D match between France and Poland. This was confirmed by the Dortmund police to the German Press Agency.

"During the soccer match between France and Poland, an incident was recorded during the game when an unauthorized person was on the so-called catwalk. The man was brought to the police stadium guard by stewards. It was a Polish fan. Criminal proceedings for trespassing have been initiated," said police spokesman Peter Bandermann.

Security precautions are being reviewed
An internet video shows the man walking along the walkway, which is actually intended for technicians, under the roof. It initially remained unclear how the Polish fan got up there.

Robert Lewandowski (left) against Kylian Mbappe in the match between France and Poland. (Bild: /
Robert Lewandowski (left) against Kylian Mbappe in the match between France and Poland.

Last Saturday, a man from Osnabrück was spotted under the roof of the Dortmund stadium during the round of 16 match between Germany and Denmark (2:0). The police kept him under surveillance until the end of the match, when a special task force finally removed the 21-year-old from the roof structure. According to his own statements, the man wanted to take photos from above. After the incident at the Germany match, UEFA announced that it was reviewing the security measures.

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