Trial in Styria

Caught having sex: 18-year-old stabs father to death

03.07.2024 17:12

His parents caught him having sex in the children's room in Feldbach (Styria) - next to his sleeping siblings. An 18-year-old apparently wanted revenge for this. He took a switchblade knife and stabbed his father. "This is the end for you", the Ukrainian is said to have said as he stabbed the 39-year-old twice in the back. He barely survived.

On the day of the attack, the 18-year-old was first at his girlfriend's birthday party, where he drank alcohol. He returned home with the girl during the night. His mother had left the patio door to the children's room, which he shared with his siblings, open for him.

Sex in the children's room under the comforter
The two lay down in bed and had sexual intercourse under the covers, according to the indictment from the public prosecutor's office in Graz. The 18-year-old's younger siblings then woke up and called loudly for their mother. The 38-year-old came into the room, saw what her son was doing there and left in shock.

Because his wife didn't want to tell him what was going on, the young Ukrainian's father also went into the children's room and saw his son lying naked on top of his girlfriend. An argument broke out and the 39-year-old Ukrainian demanded that the couple leave the apartment immediately. The 18-year-old then lunged at his father and hit him with his fists.

The case is being heard in the jury courtroom at the regional criminal court. (Bild: APA/KARIN ZEHETLEITNER)
The case is being heard in the jury courtroom at the regional criminal court.

Son wanted revenge
After the pupil had supposedly calmed down again, the father went into the bathroom. The son left his room through the patio door. But not to disappear, as his father had ordered. The 18-year-old went around the house and came back in through the front door: He wanted revenge.

"Don't do it," his mother called out to him, but too late. He stabbed his father, who was standing at the sink, twice in the back with a switchblade knife. The 39-year-old barely managed to fend off the third, possibly fatal stab and throw his son out of the apartment with his wife.

Next week, the 18-year-old, who allowed himself to be arrested without resistance after the bloody attack, will have to answer to a jury in Graz for the attempted murder of his father.

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read the original article here.

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