Children disappointed

Too dangerous? No tractor rides at the family festival

04.07.2024 08:58

Sad children at the family festival in Großhöflein: the popular tractor rides did not take place this year. A local councillor had lodged a supervisory complaint against it

This year's family festival in Großhöflein promised fun for young and old. The ÖVP had put together a colorful program for the third edition, from a bouncy castle to pony rides and tractor rides. However, the latter could not take place this time. FLG local councillor Werner Huf had lodged a supervisory complaint against this with the district authority. The reason: safety concerns.

"Children were sad"
For ÖVP mayor Maria Zoffmann, this approach is completely incomprehensible. The trips with the small tractor and trailer had also been carried out in previous years and were very popular. In addition, an adult would always ride along. "The children were sad that there were no tractor rides this year."

Bouncy castle and pony rides also on the agenda
She suspects that Huf does not like the fact that the event is so successful. There are around 150 visitors every year. Huf has not only complained to the district authority about the tractor rides, but also about the pony rides, the bouncy castle, the food and much more. "It's really bad," says Zoffmann.

No disabled parking space
The FLG municipal council, on the other hand, defends its actions. Applicable rules must be observed, he says, and he also has to comply with legal requirements. Anyone organizing an event has to make sure that everything is correct and proper. That is why he pointed this out to the district authority. There was no disabled parking space, and it should also be questioned whether a concession was available.

SPÖ festivals also under scrutiny
With regard to the tractor rides, there was a risk that the children could injure themselves if they braked hard. The fact that he did not begrudge the ÖVP their success was a protective claim by the mayor. The FLG municipal councillor has also already set his sights on upcoming SPÖ festivals.

Incidentally, Huf himself was not a guest at the family party. "I wouldn't have let him in either," says Zoffmann.

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read the original article here.

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