WSG striker Hinterseer

After the Rostock flop, Lukas is having fun again

04.07.2024 16:00

A new soccer chapter began on July 1: Goodbye Hansa, hello WSG Tirol! And Lukas Hinterseer, the ex-Wacker Innsbruck striker, is really happy about it. Now the 33-year-old wants to prove it to himself and everyone once again. "I want to do my bit for a successful green-white season."

"Kronen Zeitung":Ten years in Germany, with a brief stint in South Korea in between. Happy to finally be back home?
Lukas Hinterseer: Very! I'm grateful for the opportunity and feel the club's trust in me.

How did the contact with WSG Tirol come about?
Mils was always our home base when we came to Tirol. And Köcki (note: sports boss Stefan Köck) lives just around the corner. We had a casual conversation once and when he got serious, we decided as a family: Let's do it!

Hansa is history for the 33-year-old (Bild: Ronny Hartmann / dpa /
Hansa is history for the 33-year-old

After a tough chapter at Hansa Rostock . . .
In the winter they said I should transfer. That was too short notice for me. I was assigned to the second team, only had one-on-one training at the end and was always free at weekends - because I wasn't allowed to play for the two-man team either. But I always behaved correctly - until the last day of my contract on June 30.

Are you a little "rusty" due to the lack of match practice?
Sure, the feeling has to come back. But I'm fully fit, I want to go forward with performances in the coming season at WSG Tirol, I still have the bite and drive.

Lukas' family happiness: Victoria with Carlo (3) and Antonia (1) (Bild: WSG Tirol)
Lukas' family happiness: Victoria with Carlo (3) and Antonia (1)

How do you see your role in Wattens?
In my 17th professional year, I have to and want to take on responsibility, I want to lead the youngsters and perhaps also let them benefit from my experience. In the end, it should be a win-win situation for everyone.

New team, new coach (Philipp Semlic). How did the first week go for you?
It's fun again! We want to achieve something - and the team has enough potential to do so. I'm absolutely convinced of that.

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