In a hotel with a predator

Counterfeit money Russian: “Wants my Archibald back”

04.07.2024 06:00

The Russian counterfeit money fraudster who shared a bed with a wild cat in a Viennese hotel got off with a conditional sentence. Immediately after the trial, the 34-year-old was taken into custody pending deportation. If the man is deported to Russia, he wants to arrange transportation for his feline predator immediately.

"I came here quite normally with the cat. She lived with me in the hotel room for ten months. I didn't know that wasn't allowed here," says the 34-year-old Russian-Ukrainian citizen who was caught with counterfeit money in a four-star hotel in Vienna-Favoriten in May after spending dozens of counterfeit 50-euro bills in supermarkets in the area.

Beef and minced meat for the cat
"You bought a lot of beef and minced meat with it. Was that for the cat?" Judge Andreas Böhm wants to know. "Yes," replies the defendant, who claims to run a law firm in Moscow.

The 34-year-old got off with a five-month conditional sentence. (Bild: Anja Richter)
The 34-year-old got off with a five-month conditional sentence.

Status symbol in Russia
However, the pet that slept in his bed was not a cuddly velvet paw. "Archibald" is a big cat, a caracat to be precise, which is illegal to keep in Russia. In Russia, the animals are expensive status symbols.

"Archibald" weighed 20 kilograms when he was found in the hotel room. (Bild: BK)
"Archibald" weighed 20 kilograms when he was found in the hotel room.

When the Federal Criminal Police Office seized the lynx-like cat of prey, it was severely overweight and so aggressive that it had to be anaesthetized by experts from the zoo with a dose for cheetahs. After two months on a diet at Tierquartier Wien, six-year-old "Archibald" is slim again.

With the support of his lawyers, the accused took care of finding a suitable facility from custody - "Archibald" is currently waiting in the Czech Republic to be returned to his owner.

The counterfeit money used:

The counterfeit money put into circulation by the accused was originally real money. This was discolored by triggering an alarm package (e.g. when an ATM was blown up). However, the bills were chemically cleaned and provided with a counterfeit hologram. It is unclear where they came from.

Conditional sentence, but immediate detention pending deportation
And the return could happen soon. Because the man gets off with a lenient five-month conditional sentence for the counterfeit money charge: "I sold my watch privately in Israel and didn't realize that I had received counterfeit money for it," he claims during the trial. "It was good faith," his defense lawyer Bettina Caspar-Bures also underlines.

Lawyer Bettina Caspar-Bures defended. (Bild: Anja Richter)
Lawyer Bettina Caspar-Bures defended.

However, her client was not released after the verdict was announced, but was instead detained pending deportation. If he is deported to Russia, he wants to arrange transportation for "Archibald" immediately.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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