Off the Texas coast

4 shark attacks during 4th of July celebrations

05.07.2024 10:39

On July 4, four people were bitten by the same shark within just two hours off the Texas resort of South Padre Island. Two men and two women were taken to hospitals with serious injuries.

Video footage taken by a beachgoer shows two sharks swimming near the shore where the attack took place.

According to ABC Weslaco, wildlife ranger Chris Dowdy is convinced that only one of the animals attacked and is therefore responsible for all the attacks.

Beachgoers save shark victims
At around 11 a.m., a man was bitten on the leg and pulled to shore by other beach visitors, bleeding. Another person was able to fend off the shark attack, but suffered severe injuries.

Several images and video recordings show how sharks move in the surf. (Bild: KameraOne)
Several images and video recordings show how sharks move in the surf.

Shortly after the first attack, another video appeared on the internet showing a woman being pulled into shallow water by helpers after a shark attack with a calf bite. The woman was given tourniquets to stop the bleeding. Another person is also said to have been rescued with serious injuries.

The US Coast Guard then searched the area with drones, boats and a helicopter. The waterways are being monitored to protect beachgoers from further attacks.

Sharks bite in search of food
Shark attacks are rare on the Texas coast, but not uncommon. "Shark encounters of this type are not common in Texas," the authorities also said in a statement: "When shark bites occur, it is usually a case of mistaken identity." The animals are actually looking for food.

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