GPS signal as proof

“Our cat has been abducted”

07.07.2024 11:20

According to the owners, the GPS collar leaves no doubt as to the fate of "Yara": the Maine Coon cat has been abducted, the family is certain. They fear that the four-legged friend is now being sold on the internet.

A GPS tracker on the neck of the beloved velvet paw is supposed to guarantee the precise location of the pet and thus provide a sense of security for the owners of free-roaming cats. For the family of "Yara", a gorgeous two-year-old Maine Coon cat, however, the signal on Thursday morning provided the exact opposite.

They were able to see on their cell phone that their four-legged friend was suddenly running at more than 50 km/h. "That's very unreal for a cat," say Tatjana and Christian Sappert from the Sieghartskirchen cadastral municipality of Einsiedl in the district of Tulln. The couple are therefore certain: "She was 'packed up' by strangers not far from her home!"

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50 km/h is very unreal for a cat - especially over long distances.

Tatjana und Christian Sappert

Signal lost after five kilometers
They were able to follow "Yara's" journey virtually for around five kilometers before the GPS signal failed on the B 19 at Siegersdorf in the direction of Neulengbach. "That was the last time we were able to locate her, after which the tracker was switched off," says the Sappert family.

The owners now fear that their pet is being sold for money on the internet. After all, purebred Maine Coon cats are worth almost 1000 euros. A report has been made to the police. The Sapperts are now hoping that information about the whereabouts of the chipped cat lady will be received on 0664/ 4550-535. There is also a 1000 euro finder's reward.

Suche nach „Baci“
Havaneser-Rüde nach Feuerwerk spurlos verschwunden

There has been no trace of "Baci" for more than a week. The little Havanese panicked after a fireworks display for an excursion boat and ran out of the garden at the Strombad Kritzendorf near Klosterneuburg. Since then, he has been wandering around the Danube floodplains in the surrounding area, where dog search teams keep discovering fresh tracks.

Havanese "Baci" ran away. It is conceivable that he was taken by strangers. "Baci" is missing two front teeth. (Bild: zVg)
Havanese "Baci" ran away. It is conceivable that he was taken by strangers. "Baci" is missing two front teeth.

Nevertheless, "Baci's" family is not giving up hope - and continues to ask for help in the search. On Wednesday, a golden-blond Havanese was spotted at St. Martin's cemetery, and other leads have recently led in the direction of Unterkritzendorf, they say. Information should be sent directly to the owners on 0676/7505154.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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