College swimmer

Tichy is living her dream in the land of opportunity

09.07.2024 10:30

Anastasia Tichy has completed her first year of college. The swimmer loves the American lifestyle and is currently living in Salzburg. What she misses most, what she plans to do back home and her sporting goals.

One quarter is ticked off. Anastasia Tichy has the first of four college years in America behind her and is spending the summer break in Salzburg. The "Krone" got the chance to meet the student during her vacation. Not so easy, because on the few days she is at home, she wants to meet all her relatives and acquaintances and hear how she is doing. "I was also at home for seven days over Christmas. That was a stressful week because everyone wanted something from me," she says. Studying in America is also stressful. Every day of the week is pretty well planned so that the college participants can combine their sport and their studies. They train nine times a week, which adds up to 20 hours. "I always get up at five o'clock, train, then go to university and then train again every other day," says the Business Management student, who is now transferring from Nebraska to Kentucky, giving a little insight.

Sport and studies are well compatible
In her free time, she studies or does things with her new friends. "We had competitions in different states, so we had time to go into the city. And we went to a training camp in Hawaii, which was very cool," smiles the 20-year-old. Living in America was a dream come true for her. "It was one hundred percent the right decision, I would do it again and again. I can continue swimming and study, which is simply very difficult in Europe."

Anastasia Tichy is enjoying life in America. (Bild: Anastasia Tichy)
Anastasia Tichy is enjoying life in America.
In the future, the 20-year-old will be studying in Kentucky. (Bild: Anastasia Tichy)
In the future, the 20-year-old will be studying in Kentucky.
Tichy represents Austria in the States. (Bild: Anastasia Tichy)
Tichy represents Austria in the States.

"Food from my mom"
She also found it difficult to be far away from her parents at the beginning. "It was hard, even without my twin sister Alexandra. We lived together for 18 years and then living on the other side of the world from nowhere was exhausting." But the siblings managed to bridge the gap with Facetime and messages. "I did miss eating Austrian food from my mom again." But she can soak it all up until the beginning of August. Tichy wants to "enjoy the mountains and spend time with my family and friends" before heading back across the pond.

She now feels right at home there and loves the American lifestyle in particular. "It's great fun, the Americans are very open-minded people. They really live by the motto 'You only live once'." The Salzburger doesn't yet know exactly what will happen in the long term. "Let's see how swimming continues, how the next three years go. The 2028 Olympics (in Los Angeles) has always been a dream." She wants to fulfill a big goal in the land of opportunity.

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read the original article here.

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