Scandal surrounding ÖFB team

Accusations of racism after FPÖ youth video

09.07.2024 10:19

Unfortunately, the European Championship is already over for our national team. However, the debates about the politicization of our team continue. A (now deleted) video by the Freedom Party Youth from Vienna has now led to accusations of racism. In parliament, however, an offensive against radicalization was launched on TikTok shortly before the summer break. 

"You are patriotic during the European Championship. So am I. But we in the Freedom Youth work for Austria all year round and not just every four years. We make sure that the Austrian national team doesn't look like the French team in a few years' time," a TikTok video by the Freedom Youth from Vienna said until Monday.

The ad was apparently intended as an appeal to join. "If you want that too, then join the Freedom Youth. I look forward to seeing you," it said at the end. The video provoked accusations of racism and was removed from the internet, but the words are still reverberating, at least in politics. 

Michael Ludwig shows a clear edge. (Bild: APA/MAX SLOVENCIK)
Michael Ludwig shows a clear edge.

Ludwig "deeply rejects racist video"
Vienna's mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) told the "Krone" newspaper: "We are very proud of our national team, which did so well at the European Championships. The players may have originally come from different backgrounds, but they are ONE team. It is precisely this togetherness that makes our team strong! We deeply reject the racist video! We need more cohesion in our country!"

Fear of a "radicalization process"
Just before the video was published, radicalization on TikTok was also debated in parliament on the last day before the political summer break. "Social media can play an important role in the radicalization process. Extremist content spreads quickly and unfiltered. Social media, especially TikTok, accelerate and intensify radicalization processes. Children and young adults are often exposed to problematic content unfiltered and unaccompanied," said a motion for a resolution by the Greens.

The Greens Barbara Neßler (Bild: APA/Daniel Liebl)
The Greens Barbara Neßler

Green youth spokesperson Barbara Neßler tabled a motion for a resolution calling for a multidimensional awareness campaign called "Truthfluencing" to protect children and young people from radicalization on TikTok. "Millions of videos are uploaded to platforms like TikTok every day, including content with racist, anti-Semitic and misogynistic messages. These are strategically used by extremists to reach and influence an ever-increasing number of young people," says the Green Party. Her motion was passed. The FPÖ voted against it. 

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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