Trial in Feldkirch

Rape freely invented

09.07.2024 16:25

A 17-year-old Bulgarian woman had to answer for defamation at Feldkirch Regional Court on Monday. The young woman had played dirty with her lover.

The 17-year-old Bulgarian woman, who lives in Vorarlberg, and her 21-year-old compatriot had met on Tinder. Numerous chats were followed by a visit from Romeo, who lives in Holland, to his Juliet. When the internet acquaintance turned up at the 17-year-old's home last October and the love heaven was full of violins, not only did the girl's fuses blow, but so did she herself - much to the chagrin of the girl's worried parents. At least the daughter keeps in touch with her father by phone.

During one of the conversations, she tells him that she was raped by the 21-year-old - and only because she doesn't want to admit to her parents that she voluntarily got into bed with her lover. Four days later, the young runaway returns home. During the subsequent police interrogation, she repeats the massive accusations. In the end, however, the "bad joke" is exposed and the liar is charged with defamation.

Suspended sentence imposed
She skipped the first hearing in June and arrived late for the second. In the end, the 17-year-old admits at the trial on Monday that she invented the rape. Judge Martin Mitteregger found the Bulgarian guilty and gave her a suspended sentence of three years. If the convicted woman does not reoffend during this time, the matter is legally closed. However, it is highly doubtful whether the unjustly slandered Romeo will continue to hold on to his lying Juliet.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

Chantal Dorn
Chantal Dorn
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