Was "fucking" wrong

“Sex and the City” regrets its acting career

09.07.2024 19:00

"I chose the fucking wrong thing in life". John Corbett has been in Hollywood for over three decades and became world-famous in his role as Aidan in "Sex and the City". 

But in the podcast "Fly on the Wall" with David Spade and Dana Carvey, Corbett now shocks with the revelation that, from today's perspective, he deeply regrets having chosen acting as a career: "Even as a child, I hated being told what to do by authority figures."

No say whatsoever
And then, of all things, he chose a job for his life in which he constantly has to follow instructions: "It's just, boy, stand here, say this, wear that, look like this, talk faster and cut your hair! I feel like a puppet because as a second or third set actor I have no say in the script!"

The fans of "And Just Like That ..." are freaking out: Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) kisses Aidan (John Corbett) again. (Bild: www.PPS.at)
The fans of "And Just Like That ..." are freaking out: Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) kisses Aidan (John Corbett) again.

Now it's too late
Corbett entered the industry in the early 90s with the series "Northern Exposure" and achieved his greatest cinema success with the comedy "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".

He is well aware that it is too late for him to change careers again: "I know that I'm in the fourth quarter of the football game of my life. That's just a fact."

The 63-year-old admits that he now sounds "very ungrateful" to others: "Of course, I've earned a lot of money, I live in a beautiful home and people everywhere come up to me and say they love my work." But his frustration that he has no creative input when it comes to his films runs deep: "Have you ever sat in a fucking doctor's office in the waiting room and after an hour asked yourself, 'What the fuck is going on? That's exactly how it feels for me on set when I'm shooting a movie."

Bored and unfulfilled
Corbett's tirade goes even further. He is simply bored and feels unfulfilled. Because even if it has been a lot of fun for him "here and there", the negatives overshadow everything in the overall equation for him: "If you just sit around for 14 hours a day waiting for the knock on the door, it's as exciting as watching the wall paint dry."

For Corbett, there are also long periods when he doesn't get any role offers. Like the whole of 2022, in which "my cell phone didn't even ring." Bo Derek's husband passed the time by making music - his great hobby: "But just sitting at home with Bo and the dogs and playing guitar or piano for a whole year isn't enough for me creatively!"

At least the frustrated Corbett ends on a positive note. He is very happy that he will be able to take part again in season 3 of "And Just Like That". He only has good things to say about his colleague (and the show's producer) Sarah Jessica Parker: "If I could only be in front of the camera with one person for the rest of my life - it would be her. There's just something about that woman...she's the best!"

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read the original article here.

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