Tough demand

George Clooney open: “I love Biden, but …”

11.07.2024 10:28

Hollywood star George Clooney (63) has called on US President Joe Biden (81) not to run in the presidential election. In a guest post, he wrote: "I love Joe Biden. But we need a new candidate!"

In an essay for the New York Times, Clooney wrote that he considers the incumbent US president a friend - but: "The only fight he can't win is the fight against time."

Negative experience at fundraiser
It was "devastating to say that", Clooney continued - but the Joe Biden he experienced at a fundraiser three weeks ago was not the same as the one from 2010.

"He wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all saw at the debate," Clooney wrote, referring to Biden's disastrous TV duel with his Republican challenger Donald Trump.

Actor George Clooney (right) on Joe Biden: "The only fight he can't win is the fight against time." (Bild: Krone KREATIV/AP)
Actor George Clooney (right) on Joe Biden: "The only fight he can't win is the fight against time."

Clooney is one of Democrat Biden's biggest supporters and donors in Hollywood. He campaigned for him and hosted a major fundraiser for his re-election. The fact that he is now calling on Biden to withdraw from the race for the presidential candidacy apparently also has to do with his appearance at the aforementioned gala.

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The US president is a hero. He saved democracy in 2020. We need him to do it again in 2024.

George Clooney über Joe Biden

Withdrawal demanded
"We will not win in November with this president. Moreover, we will not win the House of Representatives, and we will lose the Senate," Clooney continued. At the end of his contribution, the actor called on Biden to renounce his candidacy. The US president is a hero, he wrote: "He saved democracy in 2020. We need him to do it again in 2024."

Clooney receives support
Clooney immediately received support for his initiative from Hollywood. Actor Michael Douglas said in a TV show that he was "deeply concerned". Clooney's contribution was an "important point". Even before the essay, author Stephen King had called on Biden to withdraw his candidacy.

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read the original article here.
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