Hörbranz landslide

No more houses can be built here

11.07.2024 10:36

Following the massive landslide in Hörbranz (Vorarlberg) last year, it is now clear that the destroyed houses cannot be rebuilt on the same site. Those affected must now hope for financial support. 

The four plots of land affected can no longer be built on, the state announced on Wednesday. This is according to a report by a Tyrolean engineering firm commissioned by the Vorarlberg torrent and avalanche control authority. Mayor Andreas Kresser expressed his regret.

The slope started to slide at the end of April 2023, and the earth movements could hardly be controlled for months. Several buildings were literally torn apart over the weeks and months. A hastily constructed protective dam held back earth that would otherwise have fallen onto the settlement below the slope - around ten other houses.

For those who lost their homes, the expertise has made it impossible to return. "The report now available clearly shows that the affected properties can no longer be built on," said Gerald Jäger, Head of Torrent and Avalanche Control. However, the fact that all expert reports on the landslide and its consequences are now available at least gives those affected more clarity for the future and how to proceed.

At the end of June, the affected landowners had already been presented with an expert opinion on the specific values of their respective properties. These values determine the scope of the financial support provided by the state. According to Walter Vögel, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Areas at the Office of the Vorarlberg Provincial Government, the victims can receive 50 percent of the costs of replacing the land from the disaster fund, or up to 75 percent in cases of particular hardship.

Other properties are also affected
According to the expert opinion of the torrent and avalanche control authority, in addition to the four properties mainly affected, other properties will also have to be included in the "landslide intensive" area. These are the properties that have been protected from further consequences since the landslide in April 2023 thanks to extensive measures taken. Existing, undamaged buildings are protected. However, it will no longer be possible to erect new buildings here.

"Unfortunately, what we have now is a reality that nature has presented us with. I deeply regret not being able to give better news to those affected," said Mayor Kresser.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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