"La Dolce Villa"
Renting in Italy for 1 euro: What you need to do
"When his daughter decides to buy a run-down villa in Tuscany, Eric tries to talk her out of it and instead finds a new purpose in life." That's the story behind the Netflix romance "La Dolce Villa", which starts on Thursday. Fiction? Not at all: in order to revive abandoned places, thousands of run-down houses and apartments in Italy are being offered for sale for a symbolic euro - even to foreigners. Krone+ reveals where the traps are and how you can still find a nice place to stay in "Bella Italia".
The small town of Mussomeli in the heart of Sicily is not easy to find on the map. Nevertheless, it is currently experiencing high traffic on its municipal website and via Google Maps. The reason is easy to find: Municipal representatives have just put new properties online again at a purchase price of one euro. Admittedly: They are dumps. But no one is saying they aren't.

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