Vienna, Lower Austria & Burgenland

Animals in search of a home Copy

07.09.2024 06:00

Every day, many dogs, cats and small animals end up in the rescue centers of animal shelters. They all deserve a second chance to find a home with loving owners and to go through thick and thin with them. Every week, we present pets who are looking for a new home. 

Lavinia – die Tapfere
(Bild: zVg)

Lavinia (six months old) was left behind after being evicted. The pretty rabbit lady is now looking for a forever home where she can finally gain some wonderful experiences. Anyone interested can call 01/734 110 20-0 or email kleintiervergabe@tierquartier.atmelden.

Kenai – der Skeptische
(Bild: zVg)

Kenai (one year old) is skeptical at first and needs time to build up trust. He is very wary of strangers and doesn't want to be touched straight away. This handsome male loves long walks. We are looking for experienced dog owners who enjoy training together. Anyone interested can call 01/734 110 20-0 or email

Roku – der Anhängliche
(Bild: zVg)

Roku (eleven years old) is a calm, affectionate mongrel who loves any kind of attention. The senior dog is looking for a home where he can enjoy his twilight years. Anyone interested can call 01/734 110 20-0 or email

Gobi – die Sensible
(Bild: zVg)

Gobi (nine months old) is lovable and cuddly. The sensitive mixed-breed dog would be happy to find an experienced dog owner with a garden who would like to experience many more adventures with her. If you are interested, please call 0664/129 52 21.

Menschi – die Anhängliche
(Bild: zVg)

Due to a change in circumstances, Menschi (eight years old) has to be given away. The cuddly velvet paw would love a forever home with cat lovers who will give her time to settle in. If you are interested, please call 0650/723 03 78.

Kitty – die Liebesbedürftige
(Bild: zVg)

Kitty (fifteen years old) unfortunately had to say goodbye to her owner. The cuddly velvet paw is waiting for a family who will give her enough peace and attention. If you are interested, please call 0677/634 648 38.

Bambam – der Wachsame
(Bild: zVg)

Heart protection dog Bambam (three years old) impresses with his cheerful and open-minded character. This gentle giant is waiting for a loving home with a large property to look after him and steadfast dog owners who have experience in handling and keeping this breed. If you are interested, please call 0676/672 58 86.

Dimitri – der Lebhafte
(Bild: zVg )

Dimitri (one year old) is very active and loves to run around in the meadows. As he does not accept other dogs, we are looking for an individual place with active owners who are looking forward to training him together. If you are interested, please call 0660/690 58 32.

Burli & Zuckerpuppe – die Tapferen
Sugar puppy (Bild: zVg)
Sugar puppy
Burli (Bild: zVg)

Siblings Burli and Zuckerpuppe (seven months old) did not have an easy start - the lovely velvet paws come from an animal hoarding case and were severely malnourished when they arrived at Assisi-Hof in Stockerau. But the duo have bravely fought their way back to life. Together they are waiting for a good place. If you are interested, please call 0660/348 98 63.

Horszio & Brigitte – die Unzertrennlichen
Horszio (Bild: zVg)
Brigitte (Bild: zVg)

Due to a change in circumstances, the elderly cat couple Horszio and Brigitte (both ten years old) had to be rehomed. They are looking for a quiet, forever home together with a family who will give them time to settle in. If you are interested, please call 0664/411 42 22.

Taiya – die Einzelgängerin
(Bild: zVg)

Taiya (8) has to be given away with a heavy heart, as she does not accept other cats. The cuddly Maine Coon loves to roam around the neighborhood. We are therefore looking for a cuddly single place with the possibility of outdoor access. If you are interested, please call 0699/193 027 12.

Fee – die Unternehmungsfreudige
(Bild: zVg)

Fee - two years old, neutered and microchipped - is a smart, active mixed-breed dog with a hunting dog temperament. She is full of energy, shows great interest in all scents and tracks on walks and feels very comfortable in the company of her fellow dogs and children. Unfortunately, the circumstances of her owners have changed, which is why there is no longer time to offer Fee sufficient activity and exercise. We are urgently looking for adventurous owners for this underutilized nose, who recognize the potential of this loving dog who loves to learn, have plenty of time for her, can offer her a place to live with a fenced-in garden and, if necessary, train her. If you are interested, please call 0650/990 23 37.

Betty – die Kräftige
(Bild: zVg)

Betty has a friendly nature, but initially needs time to get used to strangers. With the right treats, however, she is very bribable. In addition to treats, the five-year-old sniffer loves leisurely walks. To improve her quality of life, her weight needs to be reduced. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Stevie – der Stürmische
(Bild: zVg)

Unfortunately,Stevie has not had the best experiences with people so far, which is why he is sometimes skeptical of strangers. Patience and restraint are required when getting to know people so as not to overwhelm the two-year-old sniffer. He greets people he knows enthusiastically and exuberantly, so a good dose of steadfastness is a prerequisite. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Tobi – der Liebesbedürftige
(Bild: zVg)

The seven-year-old shorthaired dachshund Tobi urgently needs a new home due to excessive demands and the pet owner's health situation. The lovely four-legged friend is neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. Anyone interested should call 0676/956 05 56.

Flupsi – der Kuschelbedürftige
(Bild: zVg)

Flupsi was found running loose on the street and left to fend for himself. The fluffy male rabbit is longing for a home where he will be lovingly treated and pampered. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Lino – der Furchtsame
(Bild: zVg)

Lino - one year old - is a very good-natured and at the same time timid male dog who unfortunately has not known much. He needs sensitive, patient people with dog experience and a confident four-legged friend at his side to guide him. Lino is not a city dog, so a place to live with a garden is a prerequisite. If you are interested, please call 0680/115 30 34.

Mirabell – die Vorsichtige
(Bild: zVg)

Mirabell (2) has a friendly nature. However, the two-year-old dog needs time to gain confidence when first approached and stroked. We are looking for patient people with dog experience. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Slawius – der Bewegungsfreudige
(Bild: zVg)

Slawius - one year old - is a strong-willed male rabbit who loves to romp around with his fellow rabbits. He is longing for a home where he will receive lots of love and attention. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Mila – die Energiegeladene
(Bild: zVg)

Mila is a friendly and energetic dog who greets people enthusiastically. The active, two-year-old nose is also highly motivated on walks and loves to explore the area. We are looking for experienced and adventurous owners. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Oskar – der sanfte Riese
(Bild: zVg)

Herd guard dog Oskar (about three years old) impresses with his cheerful and open-minded character. The gentle giant would love a forever home with a large property that he can look after, as well as steadfast dog owners. If you are interested, please contact us on 0664/283 00 23 or

Mira – die Schmusekatze
(Bild: zVg)

Mira comes from a neutering project and is a protégé of the Pfötchenhilfe association. The two- to four-year-old velvet paw was approachable from day one and has now developed into an absolute cuddly cat who needs lots of attention and cuddles as well as the opportunity to go outside. Who can give her a forever home? If you are interested, please call 0664/430 75 26.

Willow – das tapfere Kaninchen-Männchen
(Bild: zVg)

Three-year-old boy rabbit Willow was found in a cage in a garbage room. It is suspected that he has EC (Encephalitozoon cuniculi), which is why the lovely long-eared rabbit will only be placed with a rabbit that has also been found to have the pathogen. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Germknödel – der Skeptische
(Bild: zVg)

Germknödel is still a skeptic who keeps a close eye on his surroundings in order to assess situations for himself. The four-year-old male dog is sociable with people he knows and also allows himself to be stroked. His great passion: food and treats in all shapes and sizes. Germknödel is waiting for dog-experienced people who are willing to continue training his behavior. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Wilma braucht Zeit zum Kennenlernen
(Bild: zVg)

Wilma was initially very unsure of people and environmental stimuli. In the meantime, she has become a confident and cuddly dog with people she knows. However, the three-year-old sniffer wants to get to know strangers at her own pace. However, with enough time, empathy and the odd treat, the ice is quickly broken. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Lillifee – die Liebevolle
(Bild: zVg)

Lillifee (five months old) came to TierQuarTier Vienna as part of an official acceptance procedure. She is a very active and social creature who is waiting for a new, loving home. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Strudel – der Wirbelwind
(Bild: zVg)

Strudel (ten months old) is a friendly male dog who is full of energy and drive and still wants to discover a lot of the world. He reacts to people in an approachable way and usually greets them enthusiastically. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Diva – die Lernwillige
(Bild: zVg)

Diva (seven years old) has unfortunately been waiting for a home for a long time. She has made great progress: she has built up trust in people, accepts the muzzle and has learned commands. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Antonia – die Sensible 
(Bild: zVg)

Antonia (six years old) is a sensitive rough-haired dachshund bitch who needs a lot of rest and attention. She is looking for a loving home with experienced dog owners who will give her enough time to build up trust. If you are interested, please call 0676/956 05 56.

Pauli wünscht sich einen Spielgefährten
(Bild: zVg)

Unfortunately,Pauli is anything but relaxed at the moment. He lacks something to do and space to let off steam. What the cuddly, eight-year-old cat needs is a spacious, child-free home with secure outdoor access and a purring playmate at his side. Cat lovers please call 0680/157 78 57.

Balu – der Aufpasser
You have to be aware of the responsibility that a guard dog brings with it. (Bild: privat)
You have to be aware of the responsibility that a guard dog brings with it.

Balu (three years old) is an obedient and good-natured Caucasian shepherd mix. This giant of a dog is waiting for a home with an experienced, sporty family who are aware of the character traits and needs of a guard dog. We are looking for a home with a garden. Interested parties please call 0699/11 31 41 40.

Diamond – ein herzensguter Hund
(Bild: zVg)

Diamond is a cuddly, playful and kind-hearted mixed-breed male (two years old). This sad little fellow, who recently lost his dog friend, is looking for a loving home with people who have a lot of time for him. Anyone interested should call 0664/99 63 90 98.

Morena – die Anhängliche
(Bild: zVg)

Morena (12) is a friendly dog who never leaves the side of people she knows and bonds strongly with them. The twelve-year-old sniffer is a little unsure of strangers at first. With whom will Morena find her forever home? Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Shila – die Begeisterungsfähige
(Bild: zVg)

Shila is open to people and is enthusiastic about many things. If you give her treats, you will quickly become her favorite. The friendly, seven-year-old dog knows the basic commands and wears a muzzle without any problems. She is still being trained to walk on a lead. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Richard – das aufgeweckte Kaninchen-Männchen
(Bild: zVg)

Richard - found running free in Vienna - is a bright little fellow (four months young) who loves to romp around and play with his rabbit friends. He is looking for a new home with other rabbits. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Drei entzückende Welpen warten auf ihr Glück
(Bild: zVg)

These three healthy puppies will be given (also individually) to loving pet owners. The rescued females were born in February, have received veterinary treatment and are ready to move in with their families. For more information call 0664/283 00 23.

Trixie – die Streichelbedürftige
(Bild: zVg)

We are looking for a single place in a quiet area for the people-friendly, two-year-old bulldog mix Trixie, who enjoys being stroked more than anything else, . She does not like small four-legged friends, so dog experience is required. For more information call 0664/540 32 81.

Berti – der Liebesbedürftige
(Bild: zVg)

The knee-high, three-year-old mixed-breed male Berti loves children and also likes cats. Unfortunately, he has lost his home and is now eagerly waiting for a family to take him into their hearts. If you are interested, please call 0676/956 05 56.

Silvester und Tweety – die unzertrennlichen Katzenbrüder
(Bild: zVg)

Due to a change in the owner's circumstances and a lack of space and time, Silvester and Tweety are looking for a new home together. The cuddly and playful cat brothers - they are four and a half years old - need lots of loving attention and a place to live with plenty of opportunities to play, hide and retreat. Cat lovers should contact us on 0664/191 04 15.

Labella – die Vorsichtige
(Bild: zVg)

Due to her initial skepticism, Labella needs the necessary distance and time to make contact. Once the ice has been broken, however, the cuddly and inquisitive nature of the two-year-old bitch comes to the fore. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Mamacita – die Bewegungsfreudige
(Bild: zVg)

Mamacita is a very active female rabbit who likes to hop around all day. She was found with her nine babies in a courtyard in Vienna. Having recovered from the shock, the one-year-old long-eared rabbit is now ready to move into a home with other rabbits of her own species. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to 

Emba – die Charmante
(Bild: zVg)

With her outgoing, friendly nature, Emba quickly wraps everyone around her finger and enjoys attention to the full. Especially when treats are involved, the lively dog - she is two years old - is enthusiastic about many things. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Houdini – das entzückende Langohr
(Bild: zVg)

Houdini and his family were dumped in a courtyard in Vienna. The four-month-old male rabbit is now waiting for a home where he can enjoy his life with other rabbits. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Cookie – der Lebenslustige
(Bild: zVg)

Cookie is an active, fun-loving boy! As soon as he trusts someone, he is very affectionate and loyal. In order to overcome his bad experiences with men and develop into a confident, relaxed companion, the six-year-old male dog needs owners who enjoy training him together. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Ella – die Fröhliche
(Bild: zVg)

Ella is an exuberant, cheerful dog who is not yet able to fully assess her strength. The four-year-old sniffer is very friendly and cuddly with people she knows, but she is skeptical with strangers and needs a long period of getting to know them. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Tyson – der Schmuser
(Bild: zVg)

Tyson (six years old) did not have an easy start and still had a lot to learn - but thanks to the loving care, training and attention at the Schandl boarding kennel, the American Staff male is ready for his new forever home. If you are interested, please contact 0664/283 00 23 or

Brunhilde, Uschi und Erika – das neugierige Trio
(Bild: zVg)

Brunhilde (two months old), Uschi (four months old) and Erika (approx. six months old) are curious and lively rats. These lovely furry friends are playful and enjoy romping around together. They are intelligent, trusting and learn quickly. If you are interested, please call 0676/448 02 34.

Snowy – der Einzelgänger
(Bild: zVg)

Snowy (one year old) is very people-oriented, he does not tolerate other dogs around him. We are looking for a loving single home with the possibility of outdoor access. If you are interested, please call 0677/621 215 08.

Chimichurri und Sepperl – die Unzertrennlichen
(Bild: zVg)

The two chinchillas Chimichurri (two years old) and Sepperl (nine years old) are looking for a home together. Chimichurri unfortunately has poor eyesight, but is nevertheless brave and trusting. Chinchillas are very social and intelligent animals and would like a spacious and varied enclosure. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Küsschen – die Kuschlerin 
(Bild: zVg)

The pretty lady cat Küsschen (two years old) lives up to her name. The friendly velvet paw greets her visitors in a friendly and shy manner - pats and attention are of course a must. In keeping with her age, she is very active and full of zest for action. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Jakob – der Vorsichtige 
(Bild: zVg)

Jakob (eight years old) is a friendly dog, but does not immediately seek contact with strangers. If you leave him alone and don't push him, he will come by himself to check out the situation. Depending on his mood, he can be bribed with a treat or two or enjoys a few cuddles. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Speedy – der Unsichere
(Bild: zVg)

Pit Bull Terrier Speedy (four years old) is a friendly and very cuddly dog who can only show his affectionate nature when he trusts someone. In unfamiliar situations he quickly becomes insecure and needs the support of his owner. This handsome male dog is looking for a relaxed home with experienced and patient people at his side. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Vier schüchterne Samtpfoten 
(Bild: zVg)

Four still somewhat shy velvet paws (two in the picture) aged ten months are waiting for cuddly homes with cat lovers who can offer them the opportunity to go outside (secure garden) after a short acclimatization period. For more information about the quartet, please call 0676/364 21 16.

Blacky – der Aktive
(Bild: zVg)

Blacky (eight months old) did not have an easy start. The active hunting terrier mix loves to run around in the meadows. He is looking for a single home with sporty, experienced dog owners. If you are interested, please call 0650/536 66 55.

Quentin – der Schmuser
(Bild: zVg)

Quentin (four years old) has to be given away with a heavy heart. The cuddly tomcat suffers from chronic gastritis and needs special food. We are looking for a loving home with the possibility of secure outdoor access. If you are interested, please call 0664/463 09 98.

Milana – die Aufgeweckte
(Bild: zVg)

Milana (three months old) is a bright rabbit lady. She loves romping around with her fellow rabbits and digging up the earth in her enclosure. Milana is looking for a loving home. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Stella – die Aktive 
(Bild: zVg)

Stella (two years old) does not seem to have had any good experiences with people so far. She is very active and loves long walks. We are looking for people who will respond to her needs. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Matcha – die Quirlige 
(Bild: zVg)

Matcha (three years old) is friendly but rather shy. If you give this good-natured dog enough time, she will gradually thaw out and show her lively and funny nature. She is looking for a forever home on the outskirts of the city with experienced dog owners. Interested parties can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Cosmo – der Sanfte 
(Bild: zVg)

The Labrador mix Cosmo (seven years old) came to Tierschutz Austria in July 2020 through a partner organization from Croatia. He is unsure of strangers, but is very friendly after getting to know them. This handsome male gets on very well with other dogs and loves to play with them. Cats, small animals and small children should not be allowed in Cosmo's new home. His carers are busy practising with him, which is why he has already mastered the basic commands very well. He also walks well on a lead and is house-trained at the shelter. This gentle giant would make a good second dog and would love a new home on the outskirts of town or in the countryside. Anyone interested can call 0699/166 040 74 or email

Gismo – der Zurückhaltende 
(Bild: zVg)

Mixed-breed male Gismo (fourteen years old) needs a short introductory phase with strangers and other dogs. This lively male dog is good in the car, could be left alone for a while in his last home, walks well on the lead and is house-trained. We are looking for a quiet, barrier-free home for this little guy - his eyesight is already a little poor due to his age - with people with dog experience, without children and without other dogs outside the big city. Anyone interested can call 0699/166 040 74 or send an e-mail to

Ferdi und Seppi – ein unzertrennliches Ziegen-Duo
(Bild: Österreichischer Tierschutzverein (ÖTV))
(Bild: Österreichischer Tierschutzverein (ÖTV))

Ferdi and Seppi (dewormed, neutered) currently live at Assisi-Hof in Stockerau. The two inseparable goat friends always bring a good mood to their surroundings with their cheerful nature. They enjoy being pampered and need a caregiver who gives them regular cuddles and loving attention. Anyone interested can call 0660/348 98 63 or email

Phoebe – die Quirlige
(Bild: zVg)

Phoebe (two years old) is a friendly, good-natured but very lively mixed-breed dog. She is a real whirlwind who loves to romp around in the meadows with other dogs. She is looking for a home with active, stable dog owners who would like to experience many more adventures with her. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Pueblo – das Energiebündel
(Bild: zVg)

Pueblo (two years old) is a real bundle of energy and a real powerhouse. He can hardly wait to explore the world together with his new owners. Many situations still stress this dear fellow, so we are looking for confident owners who can show him the right behavior. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Coco – der Zurückhaltende 
(Bild: zVg)

Coco (six years old) needs time to build up trust. The pretty American Staffordshire Terrier is house-trained, walks well on a lead and likes to go for rides in the car. For the initial phase in his new home, the handsome boy should have an area to retreat to. Interested parties can call 0699/166 040 74 or email

Whiskey – der kluge Hundeopa
(Bild: zVg)

The fit and smart senior dog Whiskey is friendly and loves to cuddle. The male dog learns quickly and likes to learn, which is why he is looking for a place on the outskirts of town with experienced owners who enjoy training together. Interested parties can call 0699/166 040 74 or send an e-mail to

Ferdinand – der Freundliche
(Bild: zVg)

The handsome American Pitt Bull Terrier Ferdinand (four years old) needs a short introductory phase, after which he is friendly and loves to cuddle. Other dogs are not his friends. Ferdi knows the basic commands, is easy to call off and travels well in the car. In his future home, he only needs to be ignored at first when strangers visit, then he quickly makes friends. Interested parties can call 0699/166 040 74 or email

Lou – der Hibbelige 
(Bild: zVg)

The lively Pomsky male Lou (two years old) combines the looks and characteristics of a Miniature Spitz and a Siberian Husky: howling like a Husky and the jittery disposition of a Spitz. Lou is looking for a quiet home with experienced dog owners who enjoy training together. Interested parties can call 0699/166 040 74 or send an e-mail to

Peter und Kata – das lustige Duo
(Bild: zVg)

The funny and somewhat crazy mongrel duo Peter and Kata need time at the beginning to build up trust. They are looking for a loving, childless home on the quiet outskirts of the city. Anyone interested can call 0699/166 040 74 or send an e-mail to

Schwafi – der Kuschler
(Bild: zVg)

Schwafi (about 13 years old) unfortunately has a thyroid condition (hyperthyroidism) and a heart murmur (improves with every check-up). He is currently living in a foster home, where he is not showing any problems. Schwafi is constantly gaining weight and will soon be in the normal range; his thyroid gland is also almost in the normal range - but he will still need thyroid medication and blood tests for the rest of his life. If you are interested, please call 0660/444 77 37.

Madock – der Quirlige
(Bild: zVg)

The friendly male terrier Madock (nine years old) is bursting with energy. Due to his active and lively nature, he is sometimes a little boisterous. He is therefore looking for a quiet place with experienced owners. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Calimero – der Aufgeschlossene 
(Bild: zVg)

Herd guard dog Calimero (three years old) impresses with his cheerful, open-minded and somewhat stubborn character. This gentle giant is looking for a cuddly forever home with a large plot of land - which he can look after - and steadfast owners. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Moussaka – der Freigeist
(Bild: zVg)

Moussaka (three years old) loves to roam around in nature. He is therefore looking for a cuddly single place with the opportunity to roam free. If you are interested, please call 0680/150 77 27.

Eby – die Lebhafte
(Bild: zVg)

The lively Labrador dog Eby (four years old) has not known much in her life so far. This friendly furry friend gets on well with other dogs and walks well on a lead. We are looking for a loving forever home on the quiet outskirts of the city for this lively furry friend. Anyone interested can call 0699/166 040 74 or send an email to

Cassie – die Skeptische  
(Bild: zVg)

Sheep poodle Cassie (five years old) had to go to the animal shelter because her owner passed away. The lively dog needs a period of getting to know people to build up trust. Due to her health problems (HD, arthrosis), she needs a home without barriers. Anyone interested can call 0699/166 040 74 or send an email to

Seduce – die Schüchterne 
(Bild: zVg)

Seduce (three years old) is an insecure and shy dog who has known very little. She is affectionate with people she knows. We are looking for a loving home where she can finally settle down. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or send an e-mail to

Mavis – die Freundliche
(Bild: zVg)

Mavis (six years old) is a friendly dog who initially needs time to build up trust. This pretty furry friend is waiting for a home with experienced owners who will continue to train her diligently. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Luna und Frida – die Verspielten
(Bild: zVg)

Luna and her sister Frida (one year old, neutered) are inseparable. The cuddly kitties are therefore looking for a home together with the possibility of secure outdoor access. If you are interested, please call 0676/417 88 74.

Marwell – die Zurückhaltende 
(Bild: zVg)

The reserved mixed-breed dog Marwell (two years old) needs time to get to know other dogs in order to build up trust. She gets on well with other dogs. This shy, sensitive dog needs a quiet forever home in the countryside. Anyone interested can call 0699/166 040 74 or email

Bella – die Aufgeweckte 
(Bild: zVg)

The lively Jack Russell Terrier lady Bella (four years old) is friendly, but also very easily stressed, which is typical of the breed. She is therefore looking for a home with patient dog owners on the outskirts of the city. Interested parties can call 0699/166 040 74 or send an e-mail to

Spike – der Vorsichtige
(Bild: zVg)

Spike is a bright, active male dog. However, the seven-year-old four-legged friend is afraid of strangers. However, with the help of a familiar person, he quickly overcomes his insecurities. He enjoys being close to his caregivers, eagerly gives out slobbery kisses and increasingly demands to be stroked. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

Hero – der Lebhafte
(Bild: zVg)

The lively mixed-breed male Hero (five years old) is friendly and gets on well with other dogs. The strong bundle of energy is looking for a home with active people. Anyone interested can call 0699/166 040 74 or send an e-mail to

Michaela – die Aktive
(Bild: zVg)

Michaela (one year old) has not met many people so far. The friendly mixed-breed dog is lively and enjoys romping around with other dogs. She is looking for a loving home on the outskirts of the city. Anyone interested can call 0699/166 040 74 or send an email to

Leyla – die Vorsichtige
(Bild: zVg)

Leyla (one year old) did not have an easy start. The pretty mixed-breed dog needs time at the beginning to build up trust. She is looking for a quiet forever home with experienced dog owners who enjoy training together. If you are interested, please call 0660/109 07 45.

Balu – der Sportliche
(Bild: zvG)

Balu (four years old) had to be surrendered due to excessive demands. The obedient Australian Shepherd needs time at the beginning to build up trust. We are looking for active, experienced dog owners who enjoy training together. If you are interested, please call 0676/377 52 43.

Lilly – die Sensible
(Bild: zVg)

Lilly (eleven years old) has been very frightened since the death of her owner. This sensitive feline is looking for a quiet home with secure outdoor access with patient people. If you are interested, please call 0676/641 28 75.

Dabian – der Freundliche
(Bild: zVg)

Dabian (five months old) was found running free at a petrol station. He is a friendly rabbit who is hoping for a new home. Anyone interested can call 01/734 11 02-0 or email

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read the original article here.

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