
We are waiting for a home

29.06.2021 13:45

So many animals are sadly waiting in Styrian shelters for their chance to be happy. Please open your heart and help!

Sad Luigi (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Sad Luigi

BEING CONTAINED in a shelter is extremely stressful for Luigi, a 5-year-old tomcat who was previously allowed to go outside. Who can end his loneliness and take him in for good? 0676/84 24 17 434.

Who has patience with Buddy? (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk)
Who has patience with Buddy?

IT WILL TAKE A LONG time for Buddy the Pinscher male to open his heart and trust you. A dog connoisseur will then find a great companion in the male dog (6 years old). A dog trainer is available on request: 0316/68 42 12.

Siblings in need (Bild: z.V.g.)
Siblings in need

TO LOVE! A real dream place, and preferably together, is being sought for these only nine-week-old kittens (sibling pair). The little ones are very playful & house-trained: 0699/88 46 4741.

When will I be picked up? (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
When will I be picked up?

How sad he is feeling at the moment can be seen on Cicero's face! The 3-year-old tomcat is still insecure and reserved. Looking for a quiet, safe home with a garden: 0676/84 24 17 434.

Faithful soul Aica (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Faithful soul Aica

IN THE EVENING SUN she shines particularly beautifully, the four-year-old shepherd mix lady Aica, who is agile and intelligent and just needs a little training. We are looking for a dog lover with a big heart for her: 0676/84 24 17 437.

Is there a miracle for Maggie? (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk)
Is there a miracle for Maggie?

Poor Maggie is feelingSURELY UNWELL at the moment. Everyday life in the shelter is extremely difficult for a cat like her who is still scared. Which loving cat friend will give her patience & lots of love? 0316/68 42 12.

Wonderful Angel (Bild: z.V.g.)
Wonderful Angel

A HEARTBREAKER who lives up to her name, loves everything and everyone, is six-year-old Angel: good-natured, well-behaved, compatible - and yet she is so alone! Who would like to change that? 0676/360 56 03.

Breed connoisseur wanted (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria)
Breed connoisseur wanted

A WONDERFUL HOME is what four-year-old Rottweiler Calisto dreams of! Which breed connoisseur with a big heart will give this male dog, who is initially unsure of strangers, a happy future? A visit to dog school will also strengthen the bond with him. Only single place without cats and dogs: 0676/84 24 17 437.

Little heartbreaker Jiggles (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Little heartbreaker Jiggles

TO LOVE is the cute Jiggles, a nine-month-old tomcat! The little one with the big eyes has a very playful nature, is curious and cuddly. Dream place wanted: 0676/84 24 17 434.

A companion through thick and thin (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
A companion through thick and thin

ACTIVE OWNERS are wanted for the 5-year-old, active husky Bailey. He is alert, adventurous and knows the basic commands. Unfortunately he doesn't like cats; 0676/84 24 17 437.

Can we stay together? (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk)
Can we stay together?

THEY LOVE EACH OTHER - the 6-month-old, bright and playful brother and sister Piccolini and Maccaroni, who would love to stay together forever. Who can save this adorable duo from separation? 0676/84 24 17 434.

Faithful soul Ellis (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk)
Faithful soul Ellis

ELLIS is the name of this 2-year-old Stafford mix who is a bundle of energy and needs to be challenged physically and mentally. Ellis is a great dog, eager to learn and friendly. He just needs a bit of training: 0316/68 42 12.

A long road to happiness (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
A long road to happiness

A HOME with exercise - how nice that would be for Lullaby, the six-year-old, still shy cat with a particularly sweet face. Who will finally give her a chance? She deserves it! 0676/84 24 17 434.

Boy of the heart Aaron (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk.)
Boy of the heart Aaron

TO SHAME! His owner simply left him behind, the friendly Stafford mix Aaron (5), who no longer understands the world. The male dog is a great guy, just needs a bit of training: 0316/68 42 12.

Who has a heart for Terence? (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk.)
Who has a heart for Terence?

TO LOVE is the sweet face of Terence, a three-month-old tomcat. As the son of a stray cat, he first has to learn to trust people. Who will give him the time he needs? 0316/68 42 12.

Loneliness hurts (Bild: Nina Mocnik)
Loneliness hurts

THIS LOOK just hurts! He is such a wonderful dog, the eight-year-old, neutered Spitz mix Casper: sweet, cuddly, very loyal. Why does he still have to sit alone in an animal shelter? 0680/206 60 57.

Please help Candy! (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Please help Candy!

SHE ONLY HAS three legs, but a heart of gold, the very sweet and trusting Candy, who has a particularly hard time at the shelter because of her handicap. Who can open their heart to this 2-year-old velvet paw? 0676/84 24 17 434.

Hoping for lasting happiness (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Hoping for lasting happiness

A LIVING PLACE is being sought for Sebbia, the eight-year-old heartbreaker who is still a bit chubby and would also be suitable as a second dog as he is shy at first and likes to lean on people: 0676/84 24 17 437.

She deserves great happiness (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk.)
She deserves great happiness

BEING A TAPPER - that has been the motto so far for stray cat Josie, who ended up in the shelter pregnant and is still shy. Her babies have all been given good places, only their mother, who had to fend for herself outdoors, is still waiting: 0316/68 42 12.

Cuddly Bärli (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Cuddly Bärli

FIVE-year-old Amstaff Bärli will go through firefor HIS PEOPLE as soon as he trusts them. We are looking for a breed connoisseur with consistency and without children/animals for this cuddly dog with lots of potential: 0676/84 24 17 437.

I love my brother (below) (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
I love my brother (below)
Can we stay together? (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Can we stay together?

ONE HEART AND ONE SOUL are Buddy and his little brother Aron, the four-year-old boxer mixes who would give anything to be allowed to stay together for the rest of their lives! The siblings are well socialized, know the basic commands and love the outdoors - the duo is also used to older children: 0676/ 84 24 17 437.

Desperate velvet paw (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Desperate velvet paw

TINA is the name of this five-year-old cat (5), and you can see how desperate she is at the animal shelter. Especially for a shy, anxious animal, the stress there is great. Please help her, give her patience and a permanent place with a garden: 0676/84 24 17 434.

Nero begs for help (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk.)
Nero begs for help

THE DEATH of his mistress took everything from friendly Stafford Nero at the age of five. A world has collapsed for the almost deaf animal. Nero is a great guy, he just doesn't like cats: 0316/68 42 12.

Lonely Jola (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Lonely Jola

Jola, a 5-year-old female cat, isstill a little bit insecure but loves to be stroked. Her dream: a nice permanent home - preferably with a secure run: 0676/84 24 17 434.

Home wanted for Betty (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Home wanted for Betty

AT ten years old, Betty, the tricolored cat lady who is a bit timid, likesher peace and quiet . Being locked up in a home is very hard for the lonely velvet paw, who sadly hopes: 0676/84 24 17 434.

Connoisseur wanted (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Connoisseur wanted

TALO is the name of the gorgeous, 7-year-old Akita Inu male who needs a single place with a garden in a quiet, natural environment - and with someone who knows the breed, as he needs a lot of dog experience: 0676/84 24 17 437.

Please be patient with Freddy (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk.)
Please be patient with Freddy

IT WILL TAKE a while to win the heart of Freddy, a five-month-old, timid tiger cat. No wonder, his mom was a stray cat, he first has to learn to trust people: 0316/68 42 12.

Faithful dog soul Max (Bild: z.V.g.)
Faithful dog soul Max

HE WILL GIVE ANYTHING to finally get a nice home - the playful, friendly human friend Max (three years old), who needs a lot of attention and a little patience. Who can help him? 0664/41 63 633.

Aica's dream of love (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Aica's dream of love

HER TEETH need to be treated, otherwise four-year-old shepherd Aica is in top shape. The clever animal has also mastered basic commands. She likes older children, small ones unsettle her: 0676/84 24 17 437.

Special animal friend wanted (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Special animal friend wanted

Poor Audrey ended upat the shelter, a circumstance that has left her very upset. We are looking for a loving place for the two-year-old, shy velvet paw (she is unfortunately incontinent) to live with a conspecific: 0676/84 24 17 434.

Looking for a place to live (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Looking for a place to live

HE LOVES to protect and guard, the 6-year-old herd guard mix Yuki, who likes dogs (but not children and cats) and is used to horses and cows. He is reserved towards strangers: 0676/84 24 17 437.

Bella's soul is suffering (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Bella's soul is suffering

WILL EVERYTHING FINALLY BE OKAY? Day after day, Bella, the three-year-old Dogo Argentino dog, hopes that someone will finally come for her. Bella knows cats, but unfortunately doesn't like children or dogs. She is very sensitive and anxious and needs consistent training and the love of a breed expert: 0676/84 24 17 437.

Tobi's long road to happiness (Bild: z.V.g.)
Tobi's long road to happiness

THE INCREDIBLE sadness of not having a home can be seen on Tobi's face. The wonderful eight-year-old male loves his life, despite his epilepsy. He doesn't ask for much, just love: 0664/113 72 33.

Our troubled tomcat Oppy (Bild: Aktiver Tierschutz Austria )
Our troubled tomcat Oppy

WHO WILL GIVE poor Oppy his heart & love? This dear fellow has already had to endure a lot of suffering, so he is a bit timid and suspicious at first. He needs a permanent home with secure outdoor access: 0676/84 24 17 434.

Faithful soul Damien (Bild: Landestierschutzverein f. Stmk.)
Faithful soul Damien

VERY FRIENDLY is this gorgeous Staff-mix male Damien, 4 years young, who still needs some training and lots of love as well as long walks. Please bring him home to you: 0316/68 42 12.

Australian Shepard Angie (Bild: zVg.)
Australian Shepard Angie

A BEAUTIFUL HOME is urgently needed where the very affectionate and loving Australian Shepherd girl Angie, 10 years old, can stay forever. This loyal little dog deserves so much to finally be cared for with lots of love: 0664/21 39 551.

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