Comment of the day
“We have really good people in the fire department!”
For the "Comment of the Day" series, the community editorial team selects what it considers to be the most interesting comment from "Krone" readers and presents it in a special article. Today: Our user "KroneLeser2145355" on the current severe weather disaster in Austria and the courageous helpers from the fire department and disaster control.
Austria is currently being ravaged by storms that only occur once every few years. Hardly any town or village in Austria has been spared from the masses of rain - some communities in Lower Austria have even been officially declared "disaster areas".
But so far, worse has been prevented - thanks to the voluntary fire department and disaster control. The courageous helpers deserve our thanks and recognition.
If you have also found an interesting comment that you think is worthy of becoming "Comment of the Day" , please send us your suggestion to We look forward to receiving your comments and wish you good luck, perhaps one of your comments will soon be featured in this section!
This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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