Your donation helps!
Support the “Friends of the Animal Corner” association
The "Krone" animal corner has been caring for animals in need for decades. Abandoned, homeless four-legged friends find a new home and the donations from animal-loving readers are used to support animal shelters and associations as well as pet owners in need throughout Austria. You too can help to keep this valuable work going!
You can find the activity report of the "Friends of the Animal Corner" association here. THANK YOU in the name of the animals!
Donation account
"Friends of the Animal Corner" association
IBAN: AT93 6000 0000 9211 1811
The donation seal of approval guarantees you independent control and the proper use of your donation. Furthermore, your donation is tax-deductible.
About the "Friends of the Animal Corner" association
The animal corner page appears in the "Kronen Zeitung" every Wednesday and Saturday. Readers are introduced to animals that have lost their homes so that they can quickly find a good new home. It also searches for lost animals and helps desperate pet owners to find their pets again. However, few people know that a separate association, "Friends of the Animal Corner", has been set up to successfully campaign for animal welfare.
Each federal state has its own staff for the animal corner. The team's extensive remit includes helping pet owners in financial need with expensive treatments or operations for their animals on a one-off basis. If necessary, needy pet owners are also supported with a one-off donation of food. This is made possible by all the donors to the association. Thanks to them, the animal corner is able to help animals in need and their desperate owners.
You can contact the "Krone" animal corner here.
Unlike many other animal welfare organizations, the "Friends of the Animal Corner" association donates every cent to animal welfare. This is because the employees are paid by the "Kronen Zeitung". The team investigates every report of cruelty to animals and reports are forwarded to the relevant authorities. Countless readers turn to the animal corner every day with all kinds of problems relating to four-legged friends, where an attempt is made to find a solution.
The "Krone" animal corner also has its own cat house with three animal carers who look after (unadoptable) cats. This is less of an animal shelter than a retirement home for velvet paws. They are mostly senior citizens who are kept in groups and are allowed to enjoy their twilight years there. Many Austrian animal shelters are also supported by the association on an ongoing basis. The Schandl boarding kennel houses dogs that are re-socialized by qualified dog trainers from the Messerli Institute at the expense of the animal corner so that they can be placed with new families.
The "Friends of the Animal Corner" association is also involved in the development and implementation of the Federal Animal Welfare Act. Another concern of the "Krone" animal corner is educational work in Austria. For example, ongoing efforts are made to remind ignorant or inconsiderate pet owners that, for example, cat fences must be installed from the first floor upwards. Information is also provided about the important obligation to neuter cats in order to prevent further cat suffering in Austria. The team also strives to provide information about what is happening in neighboring countries and around the world.
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read the original article here.

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