Green campaign

“Let’s protect our Ländle together”

26.09.2024 16:55

Vorarlberg's Greens are building their campaign for the upcoming state election on two topics that are closely linked for them: the protection of nature and the protection of people.

On Thursday, the Vorarlberg Greens presented their campaign for the state election on October 13. It is entitled "Forward with Green" and is all about the term "protection". The central message is that it is more important than ever to protect Vorarlberg. "The climate-related flood disaster in eastern Austria has once again shown how vulnerable we are due to the increasing number of extreme weather events. At the same time, we have seen that Austria sticks together in difficult times and that we can only get through such crises together. Let's protect our country together and continue on the path of togetherness for people and nature," says provincial spokesperson Daniel Zadra, summarizing the guiding principle.

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We Greens want to build bridges, strengthen cohesion and make sure that everyone here in Vorarlberg is doing well.

Landesrat Daniel Zadra weist nochmals darauf hin, dass die Experten des Energie-Instituts mit Tipps und Beratungen zum Thema Sparen aufwarten können. (Bild: Grüne Vorarlberg)

Daniel Zadra, Landessprecher der Vorarlberger Grünen

Co-state spokesperson Eva Hammerer speaks of nothing less than a directional election: "The decisive question will be whether we Greens or the FPÖ will be in the state government. If you don't want the FPÖ in government, if you care about an intact natural environment and if you value cooperation over opposition, you have to vote Green."

Nature conservation and affordable housing
The Green Party's programmatic focus is on nature conservation, energy supply, affordable housing, public transport, education, social security and participation for all people. Concrete goals are a completely free kindergarten, the expansion of all-day schools, equal opportunities for all children and 5,000 additional non-profit apartments.

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The decisive question in the upcoming state elections will be whether we Greens or the FPÖ will be in the state government.

(Bild: Grüne Vorarlberg)

Eva Hammerer, Landessprecherin der Vorarlberger Grünen

"We want to shape the country. Let's strengthen climate protection together, let's strengthen nature conservation and environmental protection! Because this is a question of survival for us humans. We can only master this together. We Greens therefore want to build bridges, strengthen social cohesion and make sure that everyone here is doing well," emphasizes Zadra.

At the press conference on Wednesday, Hammerer and State Councillor Katharina Wiesflecker were also keen to showcase the achievements of the Green government and state parliament: There had been great progress, especially in elementary education and with regard to making the nursing profession more attractive, which would show that the Greens "stand for a strong women's policy and a strong welfare state".

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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