Doctor clarifies
Cough syrup for children – it really helps
Runny nose and fever, plus a persistent cough - hardly any child is spared illness during the cold season. From (strong) medicines to cough syrups, globules and teas, no stone is left unturned to alleviate the symptoms. The "Krone" has taken a look at how you can help your offspring get back on their feet. And why globules should not be demonized.
The first glance into the nursery early in the morning is enough to tell you: My child is ill. The long-suffering face, swollen eyes, red nose and snotty bell. And a cough straight from the bronchial tubes. Nureflex is quickly at hand to bring down the fever. And the medicine cabinet is also well stocked for coughs. Drops, globules, juices and teas are all readily available. But what is the right choice? "It all depends," says Prim. Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kerbl, Head of the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at LKH Leoben, explains.

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