Take care of yourself
Don’t take risks at level crossings!
The railroad is the safest means of transportation in Austria. Nevertheless, many people have accidents at level crossings every year due to ignorance and carelessness. Here you can find out which rules must be observed on railroad systems to prevent dangerous situations from arising in the first place!
No level crossing comes as a surprise: traffic signs alert you in good time. Every railroad crossing is marked with a St. Andrew's cross. But also look out for additional whistle signals and traffic signs.
Never cross a level crossing if you have not checked whether a train is coming. Always look left, right and listen.
Safety tips for all level crossings
- Look and listen carefully at all level crossings!
- Never cross when the barrier is closed or the light is red!
- Do not stop on a level crossing!
Investments show success
The joint goal of the federal government, the federal states and ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG is to gradually reduce the number of level crossings in Austria where road and rail cross at the same level. Every year, ÖBB invests around 20 to 25 million euros in improving safety at level crossings. The success is reflected in reduced accident figures. In 2008, there were 108 accidents on the ÖBB network with 19 fatalities and 44 injuries. In 2022, there were 66 accidents with 12 fatalities and 25 injuries.
Take care of yourself!
Here you can find all information about the current ÖBB safety campaign.
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read the original article here.

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