Self-test included
After giving birth: severe depression instead of maternal happiness
After a birth, many things go differently and not always as the young mother had imagined. A recent case at the Favoriten Clinic had a highly tragic outcome for a baby. If demands become too great and conflicts too high, mental illnesses can set in. The problems range from harmless "baby blues" to depression or even psychosis. How you can recognize the signs - including a self-test.
Pregnancy and the birth of a child mean a drastic change in a woman's life and usually a rollercoaster of emotions. Not every new mother finds the transition into this phase of life easy. Instead of joy and happiness about the newborn, sadness and strong mood swings can set in. The well-known "baby blues" (also known as crying days) affects up to 80 percent of mothers. But what is the difference to postpartum depression? How can the symptoms of the latter be recognized as early as possible and when should you definitely seek help?

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