Styrian regions

Almost all districts blue, drama for ÖVP in Liezen

24.11.2024 22:22

The FPÖ is ahead in almost all Styrian districts, only in Graz and Hartberg-Fürstenfeld can the ÖVP gain the most votes. The losses of the governing parties are particularly dramatic in the district of Liezen, where the issue of the leading hospital caused almost unbelievable results. Here you can find the most important results from all regions!

A look at the map of Styria shows that it is colored blue across the board. Only the districts of Graz and Hartberg-Fürstenfeld are black. The SPÖ is no longer number 1 in any district. 

Here you can find the important results from all regions: 

Bezirk Bruck-Mürzzuschlag
Die SPÖ verliert eine wichtige Hochburg

In 2019, the district of Bruck-Mürzzuschlag was one of only two that the SPÖ was able to win - this time the FPÖ is number 1. At least the Reds were able to hold on to some strongholds, including the industrial towns of Kapfenberg (just ahead of the Blues), Mürzzuschlag and - despite the turmoil surrounding the asylum home - Kindberg. The result in Turnau, where state parliament member Stefan Hofer is mayor, is impressive: as five years ago, the SPÖ received 57% of the vote here.

Stefan Hofer: Sensational 57 percent for the SPÖ in his municipality of Tunrau. (Bild: Marktgemeinde Turnau)
Stefan Hofer: Sensational 57 percent for the SPÖ in his municipality of Tunrau.

In the town of Bruck, the FPÖ wins, as it did in the National Council elections. The Freedom Party is also particularly strong in Spital am Semmering (where there was also a large asylum home), St. Marein/Mürztal and Langenwang, where its share of the vote doubles to almost 40 percent.

Bezirk Deutschlandsberg
Nur Werner Amons Heimat bleibt schwarz

A tiny ray of hope for the People's Party: in contrast to the National Council elections, this time not the entire district of Deutschlandsberg was colored blue, in one municipality it came first - albeit only just with 36.4 percent to 35.3 percent (FPÖ): in Groß St. Florian, the home municipality of Provincial Councillor Werner Amon.

Result in Groß St. Florian as a small ray of hope for Werner Amon. (Bild: Jauschowetz Christian)
Result in Groß St. Florian as a small ray of hope for Werner Amon.

But here, too, the People's Party lost a hefty 10.6 percentage points. But it gets even more dramatic: in St. Peter im Sulmtal, where outgoing member of parliament Maria Skazel is mayor, the ÖVP plummets by 20 percentage points! Andreas Thürschweller (SPÖ), mayor of Eibiswald, another member of the provincial parliament, also had to digest a bitter result: Here, the Social Democrats lost ten percentage points and slipped behind the FPÖ.

The latter triumphed in part with a clear lead. In Wies (47.1 percent) and St. Stefan ob Stainz (46.3 percent), the blue party even came close to an absolute majority. In total, it achieved 40.6 percent and was 13 percentage points ahead of the People's Party.

Bezirk Graz-Umgebung
Debatte um Ausbau der A9 half ÖVP nicht

It was an election campaign hit by ÖVP state governor Christopher Drexler: he demanded - in unison with government partner Anton Lang - the three-lane expansion of the Pyhrnautobahn south of Graz. But the voters in the affected communities did not thank him: the People's Party suffered heavy losses across the board.

The rich harvest was reaped by the Freedom Party, which campaigned just as vehemently for the third lane: Whether in Feldkirchen, Kalsdorf, Premstätten or Werndorf - the FPÖ is the big winner everywhere. Only Wundschuh remains an ÖVP stronghold.

The campaign for the expansion of the A9 was not worthwhile for the ÖVP. (Bild: Pail Sepp)
The campaign for the expansion of the A9 was not worthwhile for the ÖVP.

The FPÖ is also clearly in the lead in many other municipalities in the district with the second most inhabitants. Examples include Lieboch, Vasoldsberg, Peggau, Übelbach, Gratkorn and Gratwein-Straßengel. The bacon belt municipalities of Hart bei Graz and Raaba-Grambach are also colored blue. District-wide, the Freedom Party is ahead with 35.4 percent of the vote.

The ÖVP at least managed to win in some municipalities, including Kumberg, Laßnitzhöhe, St. Radegund, Thal, St. Bartholomä (home municipality of state councillor Barbara Eibinger-Miedl) and Weinitzen. Hausmannstätten is also among them - albeit with the narrowest possible lead of just one vote over the FPÖ. The SPÖ is only number 1 in St. Oswald bei Plankenwarth.

There were bitter results for the Greens in some of their strongholds. For example, they plummeted from 23.5 to 12.9 percent in Stattegg and from 19.3 to 11.5 percent in Hart bei Graz. In the district as a whole, the Greens, which had been so strong in the past, were halved.

Bezirk Hartberg-Fürstenfeld
ÖVP holt im Osten einen knappen Sieg

Curious: As in the National Council elections, the ÖVP and FPÖ received exactly the same number of votes in Söchau - 313 per party. It was the last election in Söchau as an independent municipality; it merged with Fürstenfeld at the end of the year. Despite losses, the ÖVP is number 1 there, as well as in the capital Hartberg and in the entire district - although not even one percentage point ahead of the Freedom Party.

Member of Parliament Lukas Schnitzer from Hartberg: "The ÖVP is still number 1 here. (Bild: Schnitzer/zVg)
Member of Parliament Lukas Schnitzer from Hartberg: "The ÖVP is still number 1 here.

In the strongholds of Wenigzell and Schäffern, the People's Party can still achieve results above the 50 percent hurdle, in Hartberg-Umgebung, Pöllauberg and St. Jakob im Walde it is only just below it. However, the FPÖ also achieved brilliant results in the district, with 46.8 percent in Ebersdorf, 44.8 percent in Ottendorf am Rittschein and 44.4 percent in Hartl.

Neudau is traditionally an island of red in the deep black sea of Hartberg-Fürstenfeld. This time too, the party was able to win the most votes in the home municipality of SPÖ MP Wolfgang Dolesch with 39.7 percent - five years ago, however, the figure was 50 percent.

Bezirk Leibnitz
Debakel für Regierungsparteien im Weinland

This phenomenon has been observed for several years now: In the municipalities on or near the state border with Slovenia, in the wine country that is so popular with tourists, the FPÖ dusts off a lot in elections. This Sunday was no exception.

A brief excerpt from the Freedom Party's results: 47.2 percent in Oberhaag, almost 46 percent in Leutschach, 43.4 percent in Ehrenhausen. But in other municipalities such as Gleinstätten, Empersdorf and Gralla there were also brilliant victories for the blue party with well over 40 percent of the vote in each case. Across the district, the FPÖ even doubled to 41.3% and clearly distanced itself from the ÖVP, which had been so strong recently.

A small ray of hope for the People's Party is the municipality of Lang (where National Councillor Joachim Schnabel is mayor), where it is by far the strongest party.

Bitter news for the SPÖ: in the district capital Leibnitz, where it has long been the mayor, it slipped to third place behind the triumphant FPÖ and the ÖVP.

Bezirk Leoben
Lichtblick für die SPÖ in der Montanstadt

For Anton Lang, who was badly battered on election night, this is probably a small ray of hope: In his home town of Leoben, the SPÖ was even able to gain three percentage points to 38.2 percent in the regional elections and at least keep the Freedom Party at bay there. This was not entirely successful in Trofaiach, the second largest town in the district, where the FPÖ was five votes ahead of the Social Democrats.

The small town of Vordernberg once again proved to be an absolute red stronghold. Although the SPÖ lost eleven percentage points here, it still achieved a whopping 58.6 percent. The Social Democrats also remain unchallenged in Eisenerz.

Jakob Matscheko entered parliament for the KPÖ. (Bild: KPÖ/Gostentschnigg)
Jakob Matscheko entered parliament for the KPÖ.

Nevertheless, the district of Leoben went to the Freedom Party with 37.4 percent. The ÖVP loses dramatically (in Wald, Traboch and Kalwang even more than 20 percentage points), as do the Greens after a strong result in 2019.

The Communists, who have traditionally been successful in this region, also suffered a bitter blow: they were almost halved to just under six percent in Leoben, and there was also a significant drop in Eisenerz (from 9.6 to 6.1 percent). But with Jakob Matscheko, a new member of the KPÖ from Leoben will enter the state parliament.

Bezirk Liezen
Wähler-Watschn für die Leitspital-Pläne

It is not news that the people of Rottenmann are against the plans for a new main hospital in Stainach-Pürgg and for the preservation of their LKH. However, the dramatic impact of this stance at the ballot box is surprising: the FPÖ won 63.2 percent of the vote in Rottenmann, while the ÖVP plummeted from an already weak 14.7 percent five years ago to five percent. The SPÖ fell from 28.3% to nine percent.

The FPÖ also won half of the votes in the neighboring communities of Lassing and Trieben. It is just as strong in the ski strongholds of Ramsau, Schladming and Haus - in Schladming, the existing clinic is also to be turned into a health center.

The plans for the main hospital in Liezen are shaky. (Bild: ARGE F&S MJM)
The plans for the main hospital in Liezen are shaky.

What is the situation in Ausseerland, the third hospital location threatened with closure? This is anything but an FPÖ stronghold, but this time the blue party is also ahead in Bad Aussee, Altaussee and Grundlsee, albeit "only" with values of 31 to 35 percent.

It is astonishing that almost only the FPÖ benefited from the protest against the Leitspital plans, but not the KPÖ and the Greens, who are also against it. Only the Neos, the fourth opposition party, made at least slight gains, with good results of more than ten percent in Grundlsee, Altaussee, Ramsau and Schladming.

A glimmer of hope for the SPÖ: they defended their leading position in their strongholds of Altenmarkt, Wildalpen and Landl. The ÖVP is also the party with the most votes in three municipalities: in St. Gallen, Wörschach and in Stainach-Pürgg, where the construction of a new hospital is now in doubt.

Bezirk Murau
Feierstimmung nur bei den Blauen

Long faces in the district party headquarters of the ÖVP Murau: there is nothing to celebrate on this election Sunday, on the contrary, even in the smallest district in Styria in terms of population, the FPÖ is ahead this time.

Long faces at the ÖVP Murau. (Bild: Kevin Geißler)
Long faces at the ÖVP Murau.

Even the extraordinary result in Ranten did not help. There, 55.1 percent of people voted for the People's Party, the strongest municipal result in Styria. In Schöder and Oberwölz, too, the Blacks are unstoppable, while in the district capital Murau they are only just ahead of the Freedom Party. In the winter sports stronghold of St. Georgen ob Kreischberg, the lead over the blue party is only six votes.

In some municipalities, the FPÖ recorded landslide victories: almost 50 percent of the vote in Scheifling, where the canceled S 37 expressway was planned. Top blue results with well over 40 percent were also achieved in Teufenbach-Katsch and Neumarkt. Bitter news for the SPÖ: it only came second in its stronghold of Mühlen.

Bezirk Murtal 
Rote Hochburgen sind alle gefallen

There used to be many proud red strongholds in the Murtal district - almost all of them fell on Sunday: Judenburg, Knittelfeld, Zeltweg, Spielberg and Fohnsdorf were all turned from red to blue, only in Pöls-Oberkurzheim was the SPÖ able to maintain its majority with a lead of just under ten percentage points. The blue party made the biggest gains in Hohentauern in the Murtal valley - with a plus of almost 30 percentage points, they are scratching the 50 percent mark there.

The FPÖ also managed to change the color of many once traditionally black communities: Pölstal, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg, Obdach, Weißkirchen, Lobmingtal, St. Margarethen bei Knittelfeld and St. Marein-Feistritz, the home community of ÖVP member of parliament Bruno Aschenbrenner, are blue. The ÖVP can at least maintain a majority in six municipalities in the district: Pusterwald, Gaal, Seckau, Kobenz, St. Peter ob Judenburg and St. Georgen ob Judenburg.

The results in the district are rather disappointing for the small parties: The Neos can only really score points in Pölstal, the home municipality of the pink Robert Reif (8.6 percent), the KPÖ loses significantly in former strongholds such as Judenburg, Fohnsdorf, Zeltweg and Knittelfeld and is a long way from its former almost double-digit results. The Greens are nowhere above 3.5 percent, and in some places are even below two percent.

Bezirk Südoststeiermark
Im Kernland wurde ÖVP der Marsch geblasen

Alongside Hartberg-Fürstenfeld, south-eastern Styria is the second deep black stronghold in our province. This time the map is colored blue.

The best result for the FPÖ was in Jagerberg with 46.4 percent, in Eichkögl it was only marginally lower with 46.1 percent, and in Kirchberg it was also a strong 44.9 percent. The list of municipalities that are black at a local political level but experienced an FPÖ landslide victory in this election is long: Bad Gleichenberg, for example, but also St. Peter am Ottersbach and Pirching.

MP Julia Paar from Bad Radkersburg: ÖVP remains the strongest force in Thermenstadt. (Bild: Marija Kanizaj)
MP Julia Paar from Bad Radkersburg: ÖVP remains the strongest force in Thermenstadt.

In some large municipalities, the results are dramatically close. Take Feldbach, for example: in the district capital, the ÖVP is only ten votes ahead of the FPÖ, and in Fehring, the home of state parliament member Franz Fartek, it is only three votes! In Gnas, the lead is 26 votes.

The People's Party is slightly ahead in Bad Radkersburg - despite heavy losses. And there is still a red island in the district: Tieschen. The SPÖ has Martin Weber as mayor there, and the Social Democrats are also clearly ahead in this election with 37.1 percent.

Bezirk Voitsberg
Politik-Erdbeben auch im Westen

The blue wave does not stop at Western Styria either. With 41.2 percent, the FPÖ in Voitsberg performed well above the provincial average. There are only two spots of a different color in the entire district: Hirschegg-Pack turns black with 43 percent for the ÖVP and Bärnbach turns red with 43.3 percent for the SPÖ.

This small victory is probably also thanks to Bärnbach's mayor Jochen Bocksruker (SPÖ). He came into office in 2019 and stood in 6th place on the list in this election - his entry into the provincial parliament is questionable.

Jochen Bockruker's entry into the provincial parliament is questionable. (Bild: Jauschowetz Christian/Christian Jauschowetz)
Jochen Bockruker's entry into the provincial parliament is questionable.

However, Bärnbach is the absolute exception among the three large municipalities: in Voitsberg, the FPÖ won with 40.8 percent, in Köflach even with 42.1 percent. The ÖVP plummeted by at least eight percentage points in all three towns.

The minor parties also had a tough time in Voitsberg: the Greens achieved a total of 3.1%, the KPÖ 3.2% - only the Neos have made gains since 2019 with 4.5%.

Bezirk Weiz
Stadt Weiz ist eine rote Bastion

The FPÖ won more than 50 percent of the vote in Sinabelkirchen - one of the highest municipal results in Styria. It is just one example of how the blue wave has not stopped at Weiz - the Freedom Party is ahead, especially in the south and east of the district, although in some cases only just ahead of the once-dominant ÖVP. Even Gleisdorf goes to the FPÖ.

A day of celebration for regional FPÖ MP Patrick Derler. (Bild: FPÖ Steiermark)
A day of celebration for regional FPÖ MP Patrick Derler.

Where the Black Party is still in the lead, they still have to accept some significant losses - 13.5 percentage points in Ratten, for example. Only in Passail, the home of the provincial governor, was the ÖVP able to gain almost eight percentage points - at the expense of the SPÖ. The Reds were only able to hold on to the capital Weiz, but here too they lost 9.5 percentage points.

The election night was also bitter for the Greens, who held on to 17.3% in Gleisdorf in 2019 and have now fallen to 9.9% - still their best district result.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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