Sad, my ass!
How singles enjoy life to the full
Valentine's Day, the day of love! However, around 1.7 million people in Austria live without a steady partner, and there are almost 300 million singles worldwide. 28 percent stated in a survey that they are "single or single", most of them in Salzburg and Lower Austria (32 percent each) and Vienna (30 percent). However, in a society that believes that a fulfilled life requires a partner - and that some single people are considered "old maids", "pitiable" or "flawed" - it is sometimes difficult to remain self-confident. Jane Mathews now addresses the challenges, opportunities and possibilities of living alone in her new book.
In December 2018, the marketagent institute conducted an online survey of 1,500 Austrians aged between 18 and 69. Among them were 423 singles. Most single people were found in the 18 to 29 age group (46%), with the lowest single density of 18% among 30 to 39-year-olds.

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