Wrong ideas
Sexperts explain: “Talk about porn”
Almost everyone does it, but hardly anyone wants to talk about it: porn and its consumption are still considered a taboo subject and are often associated with feelings of guilt and shame. A free online course recognized by sex educators therefore advocates a more open approach to the topic and also dispels common prejudices and myths.
Whether out of boredom, for relaxation, to get stimulation or, above all, for masturbation: Almost two out of three men (60.8 percent) and one out of three women (35.7 percent) in Austria regularly watch porn, according to a representative marketagent survey ("The big sex report: This is how Austria loves") of adults aged between 18 and 69 in the run-up to Valentine's Day. It also shows that 88.9% rate what is on offer as rather less or not at all realistic, while the remaining 11.1% - primarily younger consumers - rate it as rather to very realistic. And that can be quite problematic.

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