Crisis helpline helps

Counseling for men in demand, especially in summer

26.06.2024 19:31

Arguments and break-ups instead of relaxing vacations: in the summer, the phones of the Männerinfo crisis helpline ring almost constantly. However, a conversation can help you deal with your emotions better.

It's 35 degrees in the shade, the children are whining, your feet hurt and the tension is rising: Not every vacation brings relaxation - on the contrary. It is often the summer months that cause problems in relationships, arguments and break-ups.

There is a lack of childcare options during the vacations and parents are under even more stress than usual. "Our crisis helpline 'Männerinfo' is therefore staffed and available at all times," says Manfred Kummer from Männerberatung Steiermark. "Emotions don't take a vacation."

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Many men reach their limits during the vacation season. This often leads to break-ups and crises during the vacation period.

(Bild: Privat)

Manfred Kummer, Leiter der Männerberatung Steiermark

Männerinfo helps with an initial, lengthy conversation and then provides referrals to support services. "Divorce and fear for the children are the main issues," says Kummer. "But men who have been violent also turn to us - albeit often too late. Most of them experience it as a failure and want to change."

Accepting help is important
"We want to encourage men to seek professional support in good time in challenging situations. Seeking help is normal," emphasized Michael M. Kurzmann from the specialist office for boys' work. The psychoanalyst and social worker emphasized that working together to find solutions does not mean less, but more self-determination.

The telephone counseling service has been run jointly by several Austrian men's counseling centers since 2020. Since 2021, responsibility for men's counseling has been with the Styrian Association for Men's and Gender Issues. In addition to the on-call service around the clock, chat counseling is also offered five days a week. In January 2024 alone, 420 men called, with an average of one crisis call every three hours.

The Männerinfo crisis helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 0800 400 777.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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